2012 New Releases Catalogue December - Learningemall.com

2012 New Releases Catalogue December - Learningemall.com

2012 New Releases Catalogue December - Learningemall.com


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invaluable insights into how lawyers canbest prepare for the pre-hearingconference, what <strong>com</strong>mon courtroompractices are frowned upon in arbitration,and provide participants with anopportunity to ask questions about how totake advantage of the proceduraldifferences in arbitration versus thecourtroom.distinguished professionals that convenedfor a full day of advanced-levelprogramming to share their knowledge onhot topics in e-discovery.Topics discussed included: Late-breaking case law developmentsacross the spectrum of electronicdiscovery issues.plan and ways to help business managersunderstand the importance of <strong>com</strong>pliance.Item no. : TN11200377Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 minutesCopyright : 2011Price : USD 150.00This program is a must for any attorneyabout to enter his or her first or twentietharbitration.Item no. : WN11200341Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 minutesCopyright : <strong>2012</strong>Price : USD 150.00CORPORATE LAW29TH ANNUAL NATIONALINSTITUTE ON CRIMINALTAX FRAUD AND THE 2NDNATIONAL INSTITUTE ONOTAX CONTROVERSYThe 29th Annual National Institute onCriminal Tax Fraud is the annual gatheringof the criminal tax defense bar <strong>com</strong>binedwith the Second Annual National Instituteon Tax Controversy.This audio recording of the program willput you in the room with high-levelgovernment representatives, judges,corporate counsel, and privatepractitioners engaged in all aspects of taxcontroversy, tax litigation, and criminal taxdefense.Curriculum topics include: Roundtable discussions with seniorofficials from the IRS and theTreasury and Justice Departments Strategies for experiencedpractitioners when representingclients in examination, at appeals,and during criminal investigations Breakout sessions focused on civil taxcontroversy and criminal tax defensestrategies Advice from judges on what they wantto hear from youItem no. : TM11200247Format : CD-ROM (Win)Copyright : <strong>2012</strong>Price : USD 875.006TH ANNUAL NATIONALINSTITUTE ONE-DISCOVERY PRACTICALSOLUTIONS FOR DEALINGWITH ELECTRONICALLYSTORED INFORMATIONThe 6th Annual National Institute onE-Discovery Practical Solutions forDealing with Electronically Storedconsisted of all-star panels ofThe issues and challenges arisingfrom a corporation's obligation topreserve some of the most elusiveelectronic data, such as datagenerated by corporate social mediaand personal information stored byemployees. Practical insights for protectingprivileged information in a globalelectronic working environment.Item no. : KV11200361Format : CD-ROM (Win)Copyright : <strong>2012</strong>Price : USD 150.00AFTER THE CLOSINGDINNER: MANAGINGPOST-CLOCLOSING ISSUES INSECURED TRANSACTIONSBy Paul Hodnefield, Annette Moore,Steven WeiseThis program examines the effect of<strong>com</strong>mon post-closing events on perfectedsecurity interests and what the securedparty must do to retain perfection andpriority in the collateral.The topics covered include: changes to the debtor's name, transfer of the collateral, and a change in the governing law.Item no. : EF11200370Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 minutesCopyright : 2011Price : USD 150.00ANTITRUST COMPLIANCEFOR CORPORATECOUNSELORS: PRACTICALADVICE ON DEVELOPINGOR UPDATING YOURCLIENTS' ANTITRUSTCOMPLIANCE PROGRAMSBy Theodore L. Banks, Jennifer Dixton,Brian R. Henry, Paula W. Render, Carter B.SimpsonCompliance remains a top priority forantitrust counselors, especially as theworld's economic problems linger andemployees are under continuing pressureto produce results for their corporateemployers.Our panelists address some of the keyASK THE EXPERT -ANSWERS TO QUESTIONSEVERYTRADEMARK/COPYRIGHTATTORNEY NEEDS TOKNOW BUT IS AFRAID TOTASKBy Amy J. Benjamin, Mitchell A. BraggBeing a young attorney can be tough:billable hours demands, partnersbreathing down your neck for projects dueyesterday, adjusting to life as an attorneyafter three years of being a student, not tomention dealing with legal issues that lawschool never taught you. We have all beenthe victim of a senior attorney asking youabout an issue that you have never heardof, a judge questioning your legal tactics,or a client raising an argument that youhad to research later on. Imagine achance to have some of the tips and tricksof trademark and copyright law revealed toyou before the pressure situations put youon the spot. With this program you get allthe answers to everything you've alwayswanted to know about trademark andcopyright law, but were too afraid to ask.This webinar was <strong>com</strong>prised of questionsand experiences submitted by younglawyers. The webinar addressed varioustopics that lawyers wish they knew theanswer to early on in their careers andwere afraid to ask. In addition, theprogram covered experiences that lawyersdid not know how to respond to.Item no. : TE11200380Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 minutesCopyright : 2011Price : USD 150.00CHALLENGES IN THEWORLD OF HOSPITALMERGERS: THE HURDLESOF FOR-PROFITSACQUIRING NON-PROFITSBy M. Daria Niewenhous, Howard T. WallIIIThe recent acquisition of individualhospitals and health systems by for-profitentities may indicate a growing trend.However, when a nonprofit sells its assetsto a for-profit, additional legal <strong>com</strong>plexityresults. In addition to the regulatory reviewby state departments of health inconnection with hospital transfer ofownership, such non-profit conversions<strong>com</strong>ponents of an effective <strong>com</strong>pliance________________________________________________________________________________________________________Learning Rendezvous LimitedEmail: inquiry@learningemall.<strong>com</strong> Websites: http://www.learningemall.<strong>com</strong> & http://www.learningemall.<strong>com</strong>.hk40

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