2012 New Releases Catalogue December - Learningemall.com

2012 New Releases Catalogue December - Learningemall.com

2012 New Releases Catalogue December - Learningemall.com


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and retaining federal tax-exempt status(IRC Section 501(r)) as well as othertax-related issues for healthcareorganizations.Health Law attorneys who purchase thiswebinar webinar will: Gain a greater understanding ofwhere they should focus whenadvising tax-exempt healthcareclients on tax matters Increase their knowledge of taxissues that impact their healthcareclients including federal tax-exemptstatus, unrelated business in<strong>com</strong>e,and post-issuance <strong>com</strong>plianceassociated with tax-exempt bonds Understand the current tax concernsthat their client is facingItem no. : TU11200290Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 minutesCopyright : <strong>2012</strong>Price : USD 150.00HEALTH CARE FRAUD &ABUSE: FALSE CLAIMS ACTFUNDAMENTALSThe False Claims Act (FCA) is thegovernment's primary weapon inaddressing fraud and abuse. The FCA'sreach has expanded significantly in recentyears and much of that expansion hasbeen in the health care area. Under theMedicare and Medicaid programs andother federal and state health careprograms reimbursement is an essential<strong>com</strong>ponent of the services health careproviders and other entities deliver to theirpatients. With receipt of these funds,however, these entities are subject topotential civil actions brought under theFCA. Over the last 20 years, theDepartment of Justice has collectedbillions of dollars through FCA actions. Atthe prodding of the federal government,most states have adopted statutes similarto the FCA or amended their existingstatutes to conform to the FCA.Our expert panel discussed the FCA, itswhistleblower or "qui tam" provisions,recent amendments to the FCA, and theapplication of the FCA to healthcare fraudand abuse cases.Topics the panel addressed also included:How are qui tam cases filed by privatecounsel and how are they handled byDOJ?Who qualifies as a proper qui tamplaintiff?What makes a claim "false" and whattypes of "false claims" give rise toFCA liability?What damages are recoverable underthe FCA?What are the <strong>com</strong>mon defenses inFCA cases?What are the Fraud Enforcement andRecovery Act of 2009 amendments tothe FCA and the Patient Protectionand Affordable Care Act of 2010?Item no. : KP11200484Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 minutesCopyright : <strong>2012</strong>Price : USD 150.00HIPAA AND HITECH ACTFUNDAMENTALS: WHATYOU NEED TO KNOW NOWABOUT THE PRIVACY ANDSECURITY RULESBy Clay J. Countryman, Eddie Williams III,Elaine C. ZacharakisThe Office for Civil Rights recently initiatedseveral HIPAA <strong>com</strong>pliance audits ofhealthcare organizations, and entered intosignificant settlements with healthcareorganizations related to potentialviolations of the HIPAA Privacy andSecurity Rules. This enforcement activity,and the modifications to the HIPAA Privacyand Security Rules by the HITECH Act,makes it critical for attorneys andhealthcare professionals alike to have anunderstanding of the fundamental<strong>com</strong>pliance requirements. Topics coveredin this webinar include:Definitions of entities directly coveredby the HIPAA Privacy and SecurityRules, including the application ofHIPAA to "business associates" Types of healthcare informationsubject to the HIPAA Privacy andSecurity Rules, and the <strong>com</strong>pliancerequirements for the use anddisclosure of healthcare information Answers to <strong>com</strong>mon questionsregarding the application of the HIPAAand HITECH Act privacy and securityrequirementsInsight on the OCR HIPAA Privacyand Security Audit ProgramLessons learned from recent OCRHIPAA settlementsItem no. : CW11200485Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 minutesCopyright : <strong>2012</strong>Price : USD 150.00HIPAA TODAY: HITTINGTHE TOP HITECHHIGHLIGHTSBy Deborah C. Hiser, Kirk J. NahraSince the passage of the HITECH Act in2009, the healthcare industry has beendealing with a wide variety of changesaffecting the overall industry and, inparticular, the dramatically changing worldof health information technology.This program focuses on thesedevelopments as they affect privacy andsecurity under the HIPAA rules - both ascurrently in place and as changed by theHITECH law. These developments areongoing, but every participant in thehealthcare industry - and all businesspartners for healthcare <strong>com</strong>panies - needto understand the recent developmentsand the changing enforcement andoperational structures envisioned by theselegislative and regulatory changes.This program addresses three primarytopics. First, we will look at what haschanged since 2009 from the HITECH law,focusing on crucial developments affectingnotification for security breaches andenforcement. Second, we will examinewhat we can anticipate in the short termfor the healthcare industry, both in terms ofup<strong>com</strong>ing regulatory changes and<strong>com</strong>pliance developments and steps thatshould be taken now. Third, we examinethe open areas - the key issues for thehealthcare industry and its businesspartners that are still unknown - or wherequestions remain about what the rulesmean and how they will be applied. Thissession is a must for any lawyer advisinghealthcare industry clients or any<strong>com</strong>panies that provide services tohealthcare <strong>com</strong>panies.Item no. : CF11200486Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 minutesCopyright : 2011Price : USD 150.00HOW TO STRUCTURE 340BCONTRACT PHARMACYARRANGEMENTSAn understanding of the ins and outs ofthe 340B Drug Discount Program isessential to healthcare lawyers, asthousands of hospitals have joined theprogram and contract pharmacyarrangements have quadrupled in the pasttwo years alone. Rapid expansion of the340B Drug Discount Program under theAffordable Care Act has createdopportunities and challenges for 340Bcovered entities and their pharmacypartners. This program will cover not onlythe essentials of the 340B program, butwill give practical and savvy guidance forstructuring and implementing contractpharmacy arrangements.Item no. : TZ11200293Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 minutesCopyright : <strong>2012</strong>Price : USD 150.00HOW TO SUCCESSFULLYSETTLE MAJORHEALTHCAREENFORCEMENT ACTIONSBy Michael K. Fee, Honorable Janice M.Symchych, Susan G. Winkler________________________________________________________________________________________________________Learning Rendezvous LimitedEmail: inquiry@learningemall.<strong>com</strong> Websites: http://www.learningemall.<strong>com</strong> & http://www.learningemall.<strong>com</strong>.hk98

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