2012 New Releases Catalogue December - Learningemall.com

2012 New Releases Catalogue December - Learningemall.com

2012 New Releases Catalogue December - Learningemall.com


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Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 60 minutesCopyright : 2011Price : USD 150.00INTRODUCTION TOE-DISCOVERY, ANBy Matthew C. Christoff, Sarah M. Knight,Jessica TaylorElectronic discovery is no longer a rarity,but a reality that nearly every attorney willencounter in his career. Ensuring thepreservation of electronically storedinformation (ESI) is a key <strong>com</strong>ponent ofdiscovery today. Litigants who fail topreserve ESI can face severeconsequences, including monetary andevidentiary sanctions, the effects of whichcan last long beyond a single case.Recognizing the potential issues andconcerns in the preservation andcollection of ESI is critical to an effectiveelectronic discovery strategy.This program will introduce participants tothese considerations and the <strong>com</strong>plexitiesand pitfalls of e-discovery issues in anysize case. The program will also addressrecent case law and emergingtechnologies, such as cloud storage andsocial media, and what strategies litigantsemploy to successfully manage ESIpreservation and collection. Join us for aninsightful and practical discussion of theseissues using real-life examples andillustrations.Item no. : TS11200504Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 minutesCopyright : <strong>2012</strong>Price : USD 150.00IS COPYRIGHT'S FIRSTSALE DOCTRINE DYING?DBy Joseph C. GratzBooks, movies, and music are increasinglybeing consumed not in the form ofphysical copies but in the form ofelectronic downloads or streams.Copyright's first sale doctrine hastraditionally protected consumers' andlibraries' right to lend and resellcopyrighted works. But license terms andcopy-protection technologies under whichelectronic copies are made availablegenerally restrict or bar such lending andresale. This shift may provide amuch-needed new revenue stream forailing content industries. But it may also<strong>com</strong>e as a surprise to anyone whos everloaned a book to a friend.This panel discusses recent cases andindustry developments and explore howthe first sale doctrine applies -- or shouldapply -- in a world of networked digitalmedia.Copyright : 2011Price : USD 150.00KILLER CROSSEXAMINATION: CREATINGYOUR OWN WITNESSBy Victoria Thomas McGhee, Stephen D.SusmanThe adversary has just presented theirstar witness who has just circled andrelentlessly attacked your client's case. Mr.Susman presents proven practicaltechniques for targeting, setting the baitand going for the kill on cross-examinationto remove the effect of the witness.This program provides participants withpractical advice from a renowned triallawyer on efficiently preparing for andexecuting cross-examination practicesand techniques to neutralize or turn awitness.Item no. : ZN11200509Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 60 minutesCopyright : 2011Price : USD 110.00LARRY FOX AND SUSANMARTYN ON ETHICS:ACCIDENTAL CLIENTS ANDALAWYERS IN THE JOBMARKETBy Lawrence J. Fox, Susan R. MartynLawyers would argue they know who theirclients are. Prospective clients are enteredinto a conflicts database and checked forconflicts with current and former clients.The lawyer only proceeds if no conflict isrevealed, or if proper informed consent tothe conflict has been obtained. Butincreasingly, the law governing lawyershas identified "accidental" clients: thoseclients that lawyers had little or no ideaexisted.This presentation considers legallyrecognized client-lawyer relationships,many of which can be created accidentallyfrom a lawyer's point of view, and oftenwhen a lawyer least expects it. Thepanelists will also discuss the conflicts thatarise as lawyers enter the job market andissues like side-switching, hot potatoes,and screens that arise when lawyers leavetheir firms.Item no. : JC11200511Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 60 minutesCopyright : 2011Price : USD 110.00LIFE CYCLE OF THEEXPERT SCIENTIFICWITNESS, THEBy Cynthia H. Cwik, Eric Y. Drogin, CarolHenderson, Hon. Barbara M.G. LynnJoin our expert panel of attorneys, legalscholars, and a judge as they address the"life cycle" of the expert scientific witness.They will cover the entire "cycle," fromretention through preparation, deposition,and debriefing, with particular attention tohow counsel may utilize experts to theclient's advantage and the opponent'sdisadvantage.Topics to be covered include: How does counsel determine whetheran expert is actually needed, and if so,what particular type of expert shouldbe sought?Item no. : MT11200507 inter partes matters and prefilingFormat : CD-ROM (Win)considerations;Duration : 90 minutes pleadings and <strong>com</strong>mencement ofproceedings;________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 128Learning Rendezvous LimitedEmail: inquiry@learningemall.<strong>com</strong> Websites: http://www.learningemall.<strong>com</strong> & http://www.learningemall.<strong>com</strong>.hkHow will counsel investigate thepotential expert's credentials,disciplinary history, published writings,public presentations, and testimonialtrack record?What information and direction willcounsel provide in anticipation of areview of data or the scheduling of anevaluation?To what extent should counsel beinvolved in the preparation of a reportand in the expert's readiness for directand cross examination at a depositionor trial?What advantage may counsel find toengaging in a debriefing review withthe expert subsequent to settlementor trial?These and other practical questions will bereviewed from the <strong>com</strong>plementaryperspectives of the judge, attorney, lawprofessor, and expert scientific witness.Item no. : FP11200308Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 minutesCopyright : <strong>2012</strong>Price : USD 150.00LITIGATION BEFORE THETRADEMARK TRIAL ANDAPPEAL BOARD:STRATEGIC ANDEFFECTIVE BESTPRACTICESBy Cheryl Butler, Jonathan Hudis, Mary L.Kevlin, Angela LykosThis 90 minute audio CD-ROM covers theintricacies of practicing before theTrademark Trial and Appeal Board (TTAB).Topics discussed include strategic andeffective deployment of

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