2012 New Releases Catalogue December - Learningemall.com

2012 New Releases Catalogue December - Learningemall.com

2012 New Releases Catalogue December - Learningemall.com


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Item no. : HR11200601Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 minutesCopyright : 2011Price : USD 150.00USING DEFERREDCOMPENSATION TOINCENTIVIZE PHYSICIANSTO TAKE EMTALA CALLSBy Karen C. Owens, Christopher S. SearsThe Emergency Medical Treatment andActive Labor Act (EMTALA) requireshospitals to provide a screening exam andstabilizing medical services to individualspresenting with emergency medicalconditions. Sometimes that means thatspecialist physicians must be available atodd hours, thus requiring the hospital toensure that those physicians are on-call toexamine and stabilize patients. Hospitalsoften struggle with ways to incentivizenon-employed physicians to take this call.This webinar will discuss the hospital'sobligations under EMTALA and thedifficulties with EMTALA <strong>com</strong>pliance,especially with the call requirements. Thespeakers will also discuss emerging toolsto incent physicians to take calls throughemployee benefitsparticularly deferred<strong>com</strong>pensation. Deferred <strong>com</strong>pensationprograms can provide a tax-advantagedmethod of <strong>com</strong>pensating physicians foron-call emergencies. While this can be anattractive tool, this session will alsodiscuss the pitfalls to avoid whendesigning deferred <strong>com</strong>pensation plansfor physicians.Item no. : LV11200348Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 minutesCopyright : <strong>2012</strong>Price : USD 150.00ADMIRALTY LAWAVIATION LITIGATION<strong>2012</strong>The First National Institute on AviationLitigation was sponsored by the ABASection of Litigation and Center forContinuing Legal Education. Leadinglawyers from across the United Statesshowcased aviation accident cases fromforming the attorney-client relationship toidentifying issues for appeal.What you will learn:Late-breaking case law developmentsin leading aerospace industry casesEthical issues counsel encounterswhen trying to secure the case andpre-litigation contactsWhether federal law shields theowner/lessor not in control of theaircraftHow to argue <strong>com</strong>plex admiralty legalissues to steer the judge intofavorable watersPractical tips from master trial lawyerson delivering <strong>com</strong>pelling opening andclosing argumentsThe most effective ways to presentand cross-examine the air trafficcontrol expert from a panel of mastersof the Aviation BarInsights into maximizing damagesand countering if you're on thedefenseCommon post-trial issues that arise inaviation litigation from judges who trythese casesItem no. : NV11200382Format : CD-ROM (Win)Copyright : <strong>2012</strong>Price : USD 150.00ADOBEPHOTOSHOP CS6ONE-ONON-ONE: ONE: ADVANCEDWith Deke McClellandThe third part of the popular and<strong>com</strong>prehensive series Photoshop CS6One-on-One follows industry pro DekeMcClelland as he plunges into the innerworkings of Adobe Photoshop. He showshow to adjust your color, interface, andperformance settings to get the best out ofyour images and the most out ofPhotoshop, and explores the power ofSmart Objects, Shadows/Highlights, andCurves for making subtle, nondestructiveadjustments. The course dives intoCamera Raw to experiment with theediting toolset there, and returns toPhotoshop to discuss toning, blur, andblend modes. Deke also teachestried-and-true methods for sharpeningdetails and reducing noise, as well ascreating quick and accurate selectionswith Quick Mask, Color Range, and RefineEdge <strong>com</strong>mands.Item no.Format: NA03740696: 2 DVD-ROMs (SingleUser,Closed Captioned): 645 minutesDurationCopyright : <strong>2012</strong>StdBkNo : 1596719087Price : USD 210.00AMERICAN (U.S.)HISTORYSKEPTIC'S GUIDE TOAMERICAN HISTORY, THEBy Mark A. StolerFor most Americans, the history of theUnited States is built on a set oflong-accepted beliefs about events, eachof which resonates in the nation'scollective memory. But what if thosebeliefs—however familiar—don't really tellthe whole story? Our knowledge ofhistory—or what we believe …Item no. : AU09280634Format : 4 DVDsPrice : USD 255.00ANTITRUST LAWANTITRUST COMPLIANCEFOR CORPORATECOUNSELORS: PRACTICALADVICE ON DEVELOPINGOR UPDATING YOURCLIENTS' ANTITRUSTCOMPLIANCE PROGRAMSBy Theodore L. Banks, Jennifer Dixton,Brian R. Henry, Paula W. Render, Carter B.SimpsonCompliance remains a top priority forantitrust counselors, especially as theworld's economic problems linger andemployees are under continuing pressureto produce results for their corporateemployers.Our panelists address some of the key<strong>com</strong>ponents of an effective <strong>com</strong>plianceplan and ways to help business managersunderstand the importance of <strong>com</strong>pliance.Item no. : TN11200377Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 minutesCopyright : 2011Price : USD 150.00ANTITRUSTFUNDAMENTALSAre you new to the practice of antitrust lawor do you just want a refresher? Learnantitrust fundamentals from a panel ofexperienced practitioners withperspectives from academia, governmentand private practice. This program is acondensed version of the popular AntitrustFundamentals program presented at theAntitrust Section's annual Spring Meeting.This audio CD-ROM will provide:________________________________________________________________________________________________________Learning Rendezvous LimitedEmail: inquiry@learningemall.<strong>com</strong> Websites: http://www.learningemall.<strong>com</strong> & http://www.learningemall.<strong>com</strong>.hkAn understanding of the importanceof antitrust/<strong>com</strong>petition law in theUnited States and abroad.An overview of the basic economicprinciples underlying modern U.S.antitrust law. An overview of the substantivedoctrines of U.S. antitrust law.Item no. : BY11200256Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 120 minutesCopyright : <strong>2012</strong>Price : USD 175.00CHALLENGES IN THEWORLD OF HOSPITALMERGERS: CORPORATEAND ANTITRUST7

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