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S P R I N G 2 0 1 3 - USS at Tufts - Tufts University

S P R I N G 2 0 1 3 - USS at Tufts - Tufts University


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Course ListingsFall 2012PhysicsNOTE: Students registering for PHY 1-01 or PHY 11-01 must register for PHY 1 labs. Unless you register for a lab, you can not register forPHY1-01 or PHY 11-01.PHY 0001INTRO PHYSICS I W/LABPrinciples and concepts of classical mechanics; he<strong>at</strong>; fluids;thermodynamics. Lectures, recit<strong>at</strong>ions, labor<strong>at</strong>ories. Algebra,non-calculus based. PHY 0001 and PHY 0011 cannot both be taken forcredit.Sections02761 PHY 000101 E Staii, Cristian 1.0 Must RegisterFor Mand<strong>at</strong>oryLab &Recit<strong>at</strong>ion03817 PHY 0001LA 0 Staff 0.003819 PHY 0001LB 5 Staff 0.003820 PHY 0001LC 5 Staff 0.003822 PHY 0001LD ARR Staff 0.003823 PHY 0001LE ARR Staff 0.003824 PHY 0001LF ARR Staff 0.003825 PHY 0001LG 1 Staff 0.003826 PHY 0001LH 6 Staff 0.003827 PHY 0001LI 6 Staff 0.003828 PHY 0001LJ ARR Staff 0.003829 PHY 0001LK ARR Staff 0.003830 PHY 0001LL ARR Staff 0.003831 PHY 0001LM 2 Staff 0.003832 PHY 0001LN 7 Staff 0.003833 PHY 0001LO 7 Staff 0.003834 PHY 0001LP ARR Staff 0.003835 PHY 0001LQ ARR Staff 0.003908 PHY 0001LR ARR Staff 0.003836 PHY 0001LS 3 Staff 0.003837 PHY 0001LT 8 Staff 0.003838 PHY 0001LU 8 Staff 0.003839 PHY 0001LV 13 Staff 0.003840 PHY 0001LW 13 Staff 0.003911 PHY 0001LX 4 Staff 0.003841 PHY 0001LY 9 Staff 0.003842 PHY 0001LZ 9 Staff 0.003843 PHY 0001RA JT Staff 0.003844 PHY 0001RB GW Staff 0.003845 PHY 0001RE LR Staff 0.003846 PHY 0001RF KW Staff 0.003847 PHY 0001RG IW Staff 0.003848 PHY 0001RI JR Staff 0.0PHY 0010PHYSICS MUSIC & COLORThe role physics principles play in the production, transmission, andperception of sound and light; their rel<strong>at</strong>ion to music and art. The n<strong>at</strong>ureof sound and light; the production of sound by musical instruments; thegeneral characteristics of wave phenomena. Development of anappreci<strong>at</strong>ion of the common bases of n<strong>at</strong>ural phenomena. Lectures andlabor<strong>at</strong>ories. No background in physics or college m<strong>at</strong>h is assumed.Elementary high school algebra will be used.Sections02765 PHY 001001 G+ Gunther, Leon 1.0 Mand<strong>at</strong>ory LabRegister ForOne Section LaOr Lb02763 PHY 0010LA ARR Gunther, Leon 0.002764 PHY 0010LB 8 Gunther, Leon 0.0PHY 0011GENERAL PHYSICS I W/LABPrinciples of classical mechanics, fluids, he<strong>at</strong>, thermodynamics.Lectures, recit<strong>at</strong>ions, labor<strong>at</strong>ories. Calculus based. PHY 1 and PHY 11can not both be taken for credit.Prerequisites: Must be preceded or accompanied by MATH 32(formerly MATH 11) or equivalent.Sections02766 PHY 001101 D+ Cebe, Peggy 1.0 *must Reg ForPhy 1 Lab &Phy 11Recit<strong>at</strong>ion03849 PHY 0011RB JR Staff 0.003850 PHY 0011RC LT Staff 0.00385103852038530385403855PHY 0011RD JT Staff 0.0PHY 0011RG AR Staff 0.0PHY 0011RH MW Staff 0.0PHY 0011RI AR Staff 0.0PHY 0011RJ IW Staff 0.0PHY 0012GENERAL PHYSICS II W/LABContinu<strong>at</strong>ion of PHY 0011. Principles of electricity and magnetism,waves, sound, and light. Lectures, recit<strong>at</strong>ions, labor<strong>at</strong>ories. Calculusbased. PHY 0002 and PHY 0012 cannot both be taken for credit.Prerequisites: PHY 1, 1N, 11, or 11N. Must be preceded oraccompanied by MATH 34 (formerly MATH 12) or equivalent.Sections02776 PHY 001201 F+TR Goldstein, Gary 1.0 Must Reg ForMand<strong>at</strong>ory Phy12 Lab &Recit<strong>at</strong>ion02767 PHY 0012LA 5 Staff 0.002768 PHY 0012LB 5 Staff 0.002769 PHY 0012LC 10 Staff 0.002770 PHY 0012LD 10 Staff 0.002771 PHY 0012LE 11 Staff 0.002772 PHY 0012LG 7 Staff 0.004265 PHY 0012LH ARR Staff 0.004266 PHY 0012LI 8 Staff 0.004006 PHY 0012RA AR Staff 0.004007 PHY 0012RC KW Staff 0.004008 PHY 0012RE LT Staff 0.0PHY 0013INTRO MODERN PHYSICSSurvey of modern physics: special rel<strong>at</strong>ivity, quantum mechanics, andtopics selected from <strong>at</strong>omic/molecular physics, solid st<strong>at</strong>e physics,nuclear/particle physics, and astrophysics/cosmology.Prerequisites: PHY 2 or 12 and MATH 34 (formerly MATH 12).Sections02778027770431504316PHY 001301 H+ Atherton, Timot 1.0 Preq:phy1,2 Or11,12PHY 0013RA GM Atherton, Timot 0.0PHY 0013RB LR Staff 0.0PHY 0013RC GF Staff 0.0PHY 0016SPECIAL TOPICSTopics in physics, intended for students with a background in physicsand m<strong>at</strong>hem<strong>at</strong>ics and a strong interest in physics. May be used tos<strong>at</strong>isfy the concentr<strong>at</strong>ion requirements for majors and minors in theDepartment of Physics and Astronomy. Please see departmentalwebsite for details.SectionsSCI&PEDAGOGY OF THERMO04005 PHY 001602 ARR Gallagher, Hugh 1.0PHY 0031OPTICS AND WAVE MOTION(Cross-listed as BME 215.) Propag<strong>at</strong>ion of electromagnetic waves;geometrical optics; polariz<strong>at</strong>ion; optical properties of insul<strong>at</strong>ors andsemiconductors; Fraunhofer and Fresnel diffraction; interference;Fourier optics. Lectures and labor<strong>at</strong>ories. Gradu<strong>at</strong>e level credit requiresadditional work, such as the completion of a technical project paper andan oral present<strong>at</strong>ion.Prerequisites: PHY 2 or 2N or 12 or 12N. Corequisite: MATH 42(formerly MATH 13)Sections02782 PHY 003101 G+ Oliver, William 1.0 Must RegisterFor Mand<strong>at</strong>oryLab;c-lst Bme21502779 PHY 0031LA J+T Oliver, William 0.002780 PHY 0031LB I+W Oliver, William 0.002781 PHY 0031LC K+W Oliver, William 0.0<strong>Tufts</strong> <strong>University</strong> Course Listings, Fall 2012Page 145

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