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S P R I N G 2 0 1 3 - USS at Tufts - Tufts University

S P R I N G 2 0 1 3 - USS at Tufts - Tufts University


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Course ListingsFall 2012PsychologyPSY 0103BRAIN & BEHAVIORAdvanced course on the rel<strong>at</strong>ion between behavior and the structureand function of the nervous system. Lectures and demonstr<strong>at</strong>ions.Students cannot receive credit for both PSY 25 and PSY 103.Biopsychology majors, who completed PSY 25 before declaring themajor, should speak with an advisor about substituting PSY 104 for thePSY 103 major requirement.Prerequisites: Biopsychology major, or BIO 13 and 14; CHEM 1 isrecommended; cannot receive credit for 103 if 25 has already beentakenSections02965 PSY 010301 F+TR Miczek, Klaus 1.0 Preq: BiopsychMajor Or Bio 13And 14PSY 0106SEM:CLINICAL PSYCHOLOGYIssues involved in the clinical evalu<strong>at</strong>ion, measurement, and tre<strong>at</strong>mentof psychological disturbances. Emphasis will be on psychotherapeuticintervention.Please see departmental website for specific details:http://ase.tufts.edu/psychology/Prerequisites: PSY 12; PSY 32 or 71, or permission of instructor.Sections02967PSY 010601 8 Harder, David W 1.0 Psy 12,31 Or 71And Consent;Clin Psy Major;SrPSY 0107ADV STATISTICS IDevelopment of st<strong>at</strong>istical concepts for the design and analysis ofresearch. Consider<strong>at</strong>ion of the logic of st<strong>at</strong>istical inference, analysis ofvariance, and nonparametric analysis.Prerequisites: PSY 31 or CD 193 or gradu<strong>at</strong>e standing.Sections02968PSY 010701 F+ Chechile, Richa 1.0 Preq: Psy 31 OrGradu<strong>at</strong>eStandingPSY 0119FAMILY DYNAMICS&THERAPYIntroduction to family dynamics as well as to techniques of familydiagnosis, interventions, and therapy.Prerequisites: PSY 12 or permission of instructor.Sections03772PSY 011901 9 Greenwald, Debo 1.0 Preq: Psy 101 &Psy 12PSY 0126ORIGINS OF COGNITIONThe origins of complex cognitive behaviors in humans and otheranimals. Consciousness, counting, tool-using, cre<strong>at</strong>ivity, imit<strong>at</strong>ion, anddeceit. Evidence from compar<strong>at</strong>ive and developmental psychology, aswell as prim<strong>at</strong>e studies, anthropology, archaeology, and biology.Prerequisites: One of: CD 1, PSY 11, 26, 28, 29, ANTH 20, 30, BIO130; may be taken for 200-level gradu<strong>at</strong>e credit with permission.Sections03773 PSY 012601 I+ Bushnell, Emily 1.0 Preq: Any: Psy11,26,28,29,ant20,30,bio,130,cd001PSY 0127BEHAV ENDOCRINOLOGYA seminar on the interrel<strong>at</strong>ionships of the endocrine system andbehavior. Topics include the effects of hormones on sex, parentalbehavior, aggression, hunger, thirst, learning, and mental functions, aswell as the influence of behavior on hormones.Prerequisites: PSY 25, or 103, or equivalent.Sections02970PSY 012701 J+ Debold, Joseph 1.0 Preq: Psy 32,And Psy 25 OrPsy 103PSY 0128NUTRITION & BEHAVIOR(Cross-listed as NUTR 128.) The interactions between nutritionalvariables and behavior in man and other animals. Effects of obesity,starv<strong>at</strong>ion, protein malnourishment, and vitamin and mineraldeficiencies on intellectual function and behavior. Influences of diet onbrain biochemistry and learning.Prerequisites: PSY 31 or BIO 132 or CH 54Sections02971PSY 012801 7 Goldsmith, Marc 1.0 Preq: Psy 31 OrBio 132 Or Ch54; Clst Nutr128PSY 0129COGNITIVE NEUROSCIENCEAn advanced examin<strong>at</strong>ion of the brain basis of cognitive processes.Topics will include object recognition, face processing, languageprocessing, human electrophysiology, neuroplasticity, and l<strong>at</strong>erality ofbrain systems.Prerequisites: PSY 32; any 20-level psychology course, or BIO 134.Sections02972PSY 012901 10 Holcomb, Philli 1.0 Psy 32 & Psy 9Or A Psy20-level; MeetsW/ Psy 229:15PSY 0134INTRPER/CONF&NEGOTIATION(Cross-listed as PJS 134.) An examin<strong>at</strong>ion of perspectives in socialpsychology for understanding the escal<strong>at</strong>ion and reduction of conflict.Course emphasizes empirical research approaches to the study ofconflict and negoti<strong>at</strong>ion techniques, and the n<strong>at</strong>ure and functioning ofthird-party intervention in interpersonal, intergroup, and intern<strong>at</strong>ionalsettings.Prerequisites: PSY 13 or permission of instructor.Sections02973PSY 013401 5 N<strong>at</strong>hanson, Sina 1.0 Preq: Psy 13 OrConsentPSY 0135LEADERSHIP&GROUP DYNAMICAdvanced social psychology seminar familiarizes students with modelsof leadership and leadership styles, and examines the influence ofgroup processes on effective leadership. Group behaviors such ascommunic<strong>at</strong>ion, use of power, performance, decision-making andconflicts are tested in light of changes in organiz<strong>at</strong>ions andcross-cultural perspectives. Through class exercises, simul<strong>at</strong>ions,demonstr<strong>at</strong>ions and class present<strong>at</strong>ions students will have the chanceto gain perspective on their own leadership skills and improve theirinteractions in groups.Prerequisites: PSY 13 or permission of instructor.Sections03774PSY 013501 7 N<strong>at</strong>hanson, Sina 1.0 Preq:psy 13,Jr&sr StandingOr Consent;clistLms 195<strong>Tufts</strong> <strong>University</strong> Course Listings, Fall 2012Page 155

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