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S P R I N G 2 0 1 3 - USS at Tufts - Tufts University

S P R I N G 2 0 1 3 - USS at Tufts - Tufts University


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Course ListingsFall 2012Engineering PsychologyENP 0053ENGINEERING PSYCHOLOGY(Cross-listed as PSY 53). Survey of the applied areas of psychologyth<strong>at</strong> have proven useful in the design of equipment for human use andin the design of man-machine systems.Prerequisites: PSY 1 or junior or senior standing.Sections01750ENP 0053ME 4 Brunye, Tad 1.0 Preq:psy 1 OrConsent/c-lstPsy 0053-01ENP 0061INTRO HUMAN FACTORS&ERGO(Cross-listed as BME 61.) A practical introduction to humanperformance and to designing for human use. Studies include humanfactors, ergonomics, work st<strong>at</strong>ions, and environmental and legalconcerns th<strong>at</strong> impact on design. Examples of good and bad designsillustr<strong>at</strong>e course principles.Sections03866 ENP 006101 E+MW Hannon, Daniel 1.0ENP 0099INTERNSHIP EN PSYCHOLOGYA mentored preprofessional experience in engineering psychology <strong>at</strong> anoff-site organiz<strong>at</strong>ion. The internship must conform to all therequirements of the School of Engineering internship programs. Theengineering psychology program will grant course credit for internshipsif the following conditions are met: 1) The student has junior or seniorstanding and has declared a major in engineering psychology. 2) Thestudent has submitted a written internship proposal th<strong>at</strong> has beenapproved prior to the semester in which the internship will beperformed. No internships with course credit will be approved once thesemester of the internship has started. 3) A faculty mentor inengineering psychology holds supervisory and technical control of anywork th<strong>at</strong> receives credit. 4) The student submits a written report th<strong>at</strong> isto be evalu<strong>at</strong>ed by the faculty adviser and the outside institutionalsupervisor. Work of a proprietary n<strong>at</strong>ure cannot be used as a basis forthe granting of course credit.Prerequisites: Junior or Senior standing or permission of instructor.Sections03886ENP 009901 ARR Hannon, Daniel 1.0 AdvisorApprovalENP 0105ASSISTIVE TECHNOLOGY(Cross-listed as OTS 105). Examin<strong>at</strong>ion of problems in designing andproviding assistive devices to individuals with disabilities, to assistmobility, communic<strong>at</strong>ion, positioning, and environmental control anddaily living. Processes discussed include needs assessment, search foravailable devices, resources available, and cre<strong>at</strong>ive problem solving.Students work with m<strong>at</strong>erials commonly used to cre<strong>at</strong>e individualizeddevices, in cross-disciplinary teams on a design for a specific user orgroup. Problems of funding and delivery of devices also explored. Forstudents in occup<strong>at</strong>ional therapy and engineering, and for educ<strong>at</strong>ors,speech/language p<strong>at</strong>hologists, and rehabilit<strong>at</strong>ion personnel.Sections01752 ENP 0105ME ARR Buxton, Jennife 1.0 C-lst Ots105-01/tue5:30-8:30ENP 0162HUMAN-MACHINE SYS DESIGNTechniques for man-machine system designs in which cognitive anddynamic aspects are of major importance. Applic<strong>at</strong>ions tocomputer-interface design, auto/semiautom<strong>at</strong>ed systems, biomedicalsystems, and others. Topics include inform<strong>at</strong>ion processing, decisionmaking, reaction times, and signal detection theory. Individual andgroup projects, labor<strong>at</strong>ory demonstr<strong>at</strong>ions.Prerequisites: EN 1, 2, ENP 161, PSY 31, 32,107, or CEE 102.Sections03867ENP 016201 10+ Hannon, Daniel 1.0 Core AENP 0193SPECIAL TOPICSGuided individual study of an approved topic. Credit as arranged.Please see departmental website for specific details.Prerequisites: Permission of instructor.Sections04339ENP 019301 ARR Hannon, Daniel 1.0ENP 0295THESISGuided research on a topic th<strong>at</strong> has been approved as a suitablesubject for a master's thesis.Please see departmental website for specific details.Prerequisites: Permission of instructor.Sections03868ENP 029501 ARR Hannon, Daniel 1.0-3.0 AdvisorApprovalENP 0401MASTERS DEGREE CONT.Part-time.Please see departmental website for specific details.Prerequisites: Permission of instructor.Sections01756ENP 0401PT ARR Hannon, Daniel 0.0ENP 0402MASTERS DEGREE CONT.Full-time.Please see departmental website for specific details.Prerequisites: Permission of instructor.Sections01757ENP 0402FT ARR Hannon, Daniel 0.0ENP 0120PROJECT STUDY/HUMAN SYS(Cross-listed as BME 120 and PSY 120.) A senior-level project design(capstone course), led by faculty from engineering and psychology aswell as outside lecturers. Students particip<strong>at</strong>e in team fashion inhuman-factors design problems set by industry sponsors.Professional-level work is required, including report prepar<strong>at</strong>ion andpresent<strong>at</strong>ions. Timely lectures supplement the projects. Spring.Prerequisites: ENP 161, 162, PSY 31, 32, 130.Sections03856ENP 012001 D+T Hannon, Daniel 0.5 Year-longCourse<strong>Tufts</strong> <strong>University</strong> Course Listings, Fall 2012Page 77

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