S P R I N G 2 0 1 3 - USS at Tufts - Tufts University

S P R I N G 2 0 1 3 - USS at Tufts - Tufts University

S P R I N G 2 0 1 3 - USS at Tufts - Tufts University


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Course ListingsFall 2012Child DevelopmentCD 0001INTRO CHILD DEVELOPMENTA survey of child development from infancy through adolescence. Thecourse covers the major cognitive, physiological, emotional, and socialchanges th<strong>at</strong> occur during this period. Midterm and final exams;observ<strong>at</strong>ion and testing reports. Required for majors.Sections00262 CD 000101 D+ Gidney, Calvin 1.000259 CD 0001A NM Staff 0.000260 CD 0001B NT Staff 0.000261 CD 0001C NR Staff 0.0CD 0004TOPICS IN CHILD DEVELOPMCourse allows beginning students to go beyond the introductory level ina particular area of child development. Topics include social cognition,children and their families, and moral development. Focused readingsand study of selected topics of student's choice form a major part of thecourse. Assignments include project report.Sections03798 CD 000401 6 Easterbrooks, M 1.0 Cd 1 Or Psych1CD 0061PERSONAL & SOC DEVThis course deals with personality and social development from infancyto adolescence. Topics to be covered include <strong>at</strong>tachment, sex-roledevelopment, emp<strong>at</strong>hy and friendship, social cognition, and moraldevelopment. A combin<strong>at</strong>ion chronological/topical approach will befollowed.Prerequisites: CD 1 or PSY 1.Sections00266002630026400265CD 006101 F+TR Pott, Martha 1.0 Cd 1 Or Psy 1CD 0061A DM 0.0CD 0061B QT 0.0CD 0061C QR 0.0CD 0062CHILDHOOD ACROSS CULTUREIntermedi<strong>at</strong>e-level study of child development, with emphasis oncultural perspectives integr<strong>at</strong>ing psychological and anthropologicaltheory. Children's development examined across cultures and in thecontext of the various social institutions and settings within which theylive.Sections00267 CD 006201 E+MW Mistry, Jayanth 1.0CD 0064PARENT CHILD RELATIONSExamines the parent-child rel<strong>at</strong>ionship from a variety of perspectives,including cross-cultural and social class differences, differencesbetween mothering and f<strong>at</strong>hering, and the parents' influence on thechild's psychological development (e.g., sex role). Emphasis is on theinteractive influences of parents and children. In the last part of thecourse, programs for altering parent-child interactions are explored.While most of the readings are based on recent empirical studies, thecourse includes short stories and novels. Case histories are also reliedon to capture complex, intangible phenomena like communic<strong>at</strong>ion, trust,and intimacy.Prerequisites: CD 1 or PSY 1.Sections00268CD 006401 E+MF Casey, Mary E. 1.0 Preq: Cd 1 OrPsy 1CD 0068ADOLESCENT & DEVELOPMENTThe physical, cognitive, emotional, and social developments ofadolescence and the transitions from childhood to adulthood. Emphasison individual differences and the impact of family, school, peers,community, culture, and historical context. Consider<strong>at</strong>ion given tointerventions aimed <strong>at</strong> promoting positive youth development.Sections00269 CD 006801 D+ Leventhal, Tama 1.0 Cd 01 Or IntroTo Psy 01CD 0082SOC POL CHILDREN&FMLYIntersection of child development and social policy. Case studies ofprocesses through which social problems are defined, policiesformul<strong>at</strong>ed and implemented. Models for analyzing existing andproposed policies and for interpreting program evalu<strong>at</strong>ion results.Topics may include child abuse and neglect, family leave, m<strong>at</strong>ernal andchild public-health policy, child care, early-childhood educ<strong>at</strong>ion. Special<strong>at</strong>tention to policies affecting disadvantaged and minority popul<strong>at</strong>ions.Prerequisites: CD 1 or PSY 1.Sections00270CD 008201 6 Zaff, Jon<strong>at</strong>han 1.0 Cd1 Or Psych1Or Consent,Juniors AndSeniors Only.CD 0090EXCEPTIONAL CHILDThe special problems of preschool and elementary-age children whodevi<strong>at</strong>e from normal p<strong>at</strong>terns of development. Orthopedic disabilities,sensory impairments, emotional and social problems, and devi<strong>at</strong>ions inintellectual potential. Distinguishing characteristics and developmentalproblems are presented in each diagnostic c<strong>at</strong>egory. Lectures,discussions, films, visiting speakers, and field trips.Prerequisites: CD 1 or permission of instructor.Sections00271CD 009001 13+ Vanderberg, Lau 1.0 Cd 1 Or Psy 1Or ConsentCD 0099COMMUNITY FIELD PLCMNTWork and study in a variety of programs serving children and families.Placements include child advocacy programs, museums, hospitals,children's media, social service centers, and government agencies.Placements are supervised in a seminar or in consult<strong>at</strong>ion. Variablecredit.Prerequisites: Permission of instructor.Sections00272CD 009901 D+R Scarlett, W. Ge 1.0 Undergrad;ckWeb ForInternshForm/applic<strong>at</strong>ion-consentCD 0124AMERICAN SIGN LANGUAGEIntroductory course in manual communic<strong>at</strong>ion and deafness. Coversbasic sign-language structures, vocabulary, and finger spelling.Orient<strong>at</strong>ion to deafness covers topics such as educ<strong>at</strong>ional approaches,family dynamics, social identity, and language acquisition.Sections00273 CD 012401 ARR Clark, Terrell 1.0 Meets Mon1:30-2:45&tue4:30-5:45; MustReg At Cd Dept<strong>Tufts</strong> <strong>University</strong> Course Listings, Fall 2012Page 35

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