S P R I N G 2 0 1 3 - USS at Tufts - Tufts University

S P R I N G 2 0 1 3 - USS at Tufts - Tufts University

S P R I N G 2 0 1 3 - USS at Tufts - Tufts University


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Course ListingsFall 2012Studio Art - Museum School_to_<strong>Tufts</strong>_Students.aspSections01928 FAMB001901 ARR Lang, Glenna 0.5 Mon 6:30-9:45P.m. At SmfaFAMB0020BEG GRAPHIC DESIGNThis intensive course presents a broad range of design assignmentsbased on realistic case histories. You will work on a number ofassignments simultaneously by breaking them down into logical designprocedure steps, including problem analysis, cre<strong>at</strong>ive conceptdevelopment, mock-up development, and finished art. Throughout thecourse, emphasis will shift from idea gener<strong>at</strong>ion and design theory totechnical skills. Lectures on cre<strong>at</strong>ivity, design and color theory, graphicdesign and letterform history, and typography are a regular part of thecourse, and there will be some use of the Macintosh in class to developwork. You may work on your own special projects in place of classassignments. The course accommod<strong>at</strong>es beginners and moreadvanced students who are building a portfolio.Please see departmental website for specific details:http://www.smfa.edu/Continuing_Educ<strong>at</strong>ion/Studio_Art_Courses_Open_to_<strong>Tufts</strong>_Students.aspSections01929 FAMB002001 ARR Templeton, M<strong>at</strong>t 0.5 Mon 6:30-9:45P.m. At Smfa01930 FAMB002002 ARR Templeton, M<strong>at</strong>t 0.5 S<strong>at</strong> 9 Am-12:15Pm At SmfaFAMB0021INTERMED GRAPHIC DESIGNThis course is for students who have taken Beginning Graphic Designor an equivalent course and are looking to gain further experiencesolving real-world graphic design problems while producing portfoliopieces. Emphasizing hands-on studio work on the computer withminimal lecture time, this course will focus on learning efficient workhabits and on developing an arsenal of problem-solving techniques.You will receive individual <strong>at</strong>tention from the instructor while continuingto develop your own graphic style. Discussions about conceptual ideasand design development through completed projects will includeanalysis of typography, color, layout, and content decisions andoptions. By the end of the course, you will have cre<strong>at</strong>ed four to fiveportfolio pieces suitable for present<strong>at</strong>ion <strong>at</strong> job interviews.Please see departmental website for specific details:http://www.smfa.edu/Continuing_Educ<strong>at</strong>ion/Studio_Art_Courses_Open_to_<strong>Tufts</strong>_Students.aspSections01931 FAMB002101 ARR Breiner, Joanne 0.5 Thu 6:30-9:45P.m. At SmfaFAMB0024DRAWN TO PRINTThis course will explore printmaking as a drawing medium. R<strong>at</strong>her thanemphasizing the technical, simple approaches will be utilized so th<strong>at</strong>you may focus on the content of the work. To this end, a figure modelwill be available for each class. The figure will be used as a point ofdeparture. Represent<strong>at</strong>ional, abstract, and conceptual approaches willbe discussed and students will be encouraged to find their own ways ofworking. Experimenting while working directly on pl<strong>at</strong>es and prints willbe stressed throughout the course and feedback and critiques will befrequent. No experience in printmaking, figur<strong>at</strong>ive work, or drawing isnecessary. This will be an intense and fun class, open to those <strong>at</strong> anylevel and those who want to expand their possibilities for image makingin a challenging and supportive environment.Please see departmental website for specific details:http://www.smfa.edu/Continuing_Educ<strong>at</strong>ion/Studio_Art_Courses_Open_to_<strong>Tufts</strong>_Students.aspSections01932 FAMB002401 ARR Siegelman, Robe 0.5 Wed 6:30-9:45Pm At TheSmfaFAMB0027EXPERIMENTAL DRAWINGThis course is open to individuals <strong>at</strong> any level and will focus on figuredrawing as an experimental medium. By using the figure both as afocus and as a point of departure, we will explore a variety ofapproaches for developing personal connections to drawing andcontent. Represent<strong>at</strong>ion, abstraction, and expressionist and conceptualpossibilities will be discussed. We will look <strong>at</strong> different ways of usingdrawing to expand cre<strong>at</strong>ivity and enhance your willingness to take risks.Experiment<strong>at</strong>ion, process, m<strong>at</strong>erials, and learning to critique will beemphasized in this fun and supportive yet challenging course.Please see departmental website for specific details:http://www.smfa.edu/Continuing_Educ<strong>at</strong>ion/Studio_Art_Courses_Open_to_<strong>Tufts</strong>_Students.aspSections01933 FAMB002701 ARR Siegelman, Robe 0.5 Thurs 6:30-9:45P.m. At SmfaFAMB0028INTERM TO ADV DRAWINGIndividual imagery grows out of a process th<strong>at</strong> is not premedit<strong>at</strong>ed; itrelies on instinct, invention, and honest interpret<strong>at</strong>ion. The focus of thiscourse will be to stimul<strong>at</strong>e personal definitions of wh<strong>at</strong> may or may notbe seen. This is a course for those who wish to challenge their drawingknowledge while provoking a curious <strong>at</strong>titude toward image making. Aninvestig<strong>at</strong>ion of m<strong>at</strong>erials will be encouraged and a tactile vocabularywill be emphasized. For content and reference, a model will be used, aswill the room and some objects-even the air. Critiques and classdiscussions will take place weekly. Attendance is essential for continuityand clarific<strong>at</strong>ion of ideas.Please see departmental website for specific details:http://www.smfa.edu/Continuing_Educ<strong>at</strong>ion/Studio_Art_Courses_Open_to_<strong>Tufts</strong>_Students.aspSections01934 FAMB002801 ARR Flynn, William 0.5 Tue 6:30-9:45P.m. At SmfaFAMB0035INTRO TO TYPOGRAPHYTypography is a field of graphic design used to give voice to the printedword. This introductory course will lead to the knowledge of cre<strong>at</strong>ingand organizing letters, words, sentences, and paragraphs to visuallycommunic<strong>at</strong>e an idea, and promises to help develop your cre<strong>at</strong>iveprocesses in new and powerful ways. Topics include the an<strong>at</strong>omy ofletterforms, type history and classific<strong>at</strong>ion systems, how to choose type,legibility, readability, and the expressive qualities of type. Coursemethods include discussions and critiques, slide show lectures, anddemonstr<strong>at</strong>ions, as well as hands-on problem solving exercises andassignments. While this is not a software-based course, there will befrequent use of Macintosh computers. This course is suitable forbeginning and intermedi<strong>at</strong>e their professional skills in visualcommunic<strong>at</strong>ions.Please see departmental website for specific details:http://www.smfa.edu/Continuing_Educ<strong>at</strong>ion/Studio_Art_Courses_Open_to_<strong>Tufts</strong>_Students.aspSections01935 FAMB003501 ARR Stein, Karen 0.5 Wed 6:30-9:45P.m. At SmfaFAMB0036INTRO TO FILMMAKINGThis class provides an introduction to the technical and aestheticaspects of film production using primarily Super-8mm equipment forindividuals with little or no This class provides an introduction to thetechnical and aesthetic aspects of film production using primarilySuper-8mm equipment for individuals with little or no previousexperience with film who are interested in pursuing filmmaking as a fineart discipline. Basic shooting and editing techniques will be covered andyou will be introduced to a wide range of production methods andcre<strong>at</strong>ive str<strong>at</strong>egies th<strong>at</strong> encourage explor<strong>at</strong>ion and risk-taking in all theaspects of the medium. The course has a strong workshop componentwith a hands-on instructional approach. It proposes a stimul<strong>at</strong>ing,inspiring, and challenging environment th<strong>at</strong> fosters the exchange of<strong>Tufts</strong> <strong>University</strong> Course Listings, Fall 2012Page 176

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