S P R I N G 2 0 1 3 - USS at Tufts - Tufts University

S P R I N G 2 0 1 3 - USS at Tufts - Tufts University

S P R I N G 2 0 1 3 - USS at Tufts - Tufts University


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Course ListingsFall 2012SociologySOC 0135SOCIAL MOVEMENTS(Cross-listed as PJS 135.) Social circumstances under which organizedefforts by powerless groups of people to affect history are <strong>at</strong>tempted,motiv<strong>at</strong>ions for such efforts, processes by which such efforts areimplemented and controlled, and the impact such efforts have onsociety. Major sociological perspectives on social movements. Selecteduse of films to illustr<strong>at</strong>e major themes.Prerequisites: SOC 1 or 10 or other introductory-level social sciencecourse.Sections03951 SOC 013501 K+ Pineros-shields 1.0 Prerequisite: 1Pjs OrSociologyCourseSOC 0141MEDICAL SOCIOLOGYSociopolitical context within which health, illness, and medical care aredefined. Training and role deline<strong>at</strong>ion of health workers. Benefits andliabilities of becoming a p<strong>at</strong>ient. Social control implic<strong>at</strong>ions of increasingmedical intervention. Analysis of medical transactions in the examiningroom. Economic and organiz<strong>at</strong>ional structure of the health-care deliverysystem.Prerequisites: Sophomore standing.Sections03952SOC 014101 K+ Orlandella, Cai 1.0 Prerequisite:SophomoreStandingSOC 0143SOCIOLOGY OF RELIGION(Cross-listed as REL 143.) Religion as a cultural universal. Diversity inmanifest<strong>at</strong>ion, organiz<strong>at</strong>ional form, myth and ritual. Rel<strong>at</strong>ionshipbetween worldviews and socioeconomic conditions of religiouscommunities. Social functions of religion. Organiz<strong>at</strong>ion, mission, andpolitical agendas of religious groups in the United St<strong>at</strong>es.Prerequisites: SOC 1.Sections03184SOC 014301 L+ Aymer, Paula 1.0 Prereq:Sociology 1;C-lst Rel 143SOC 0149SELECTED TOPICS IN SOCSocial organiz<strong>at</strong>ion of selected institutions and/or analysis of currentissues.Prerequisites: SOC 1 or 10 or sophomore standing.SectionsPOLITICAL SOCIOLOGY03593 SOC 014908 G+ Joseph, Paul 1.0 Prereq: OneSociologyCourse OrJunior StandingSOC 0180CITIES OF GLOBAL SOUTHCritical assessment of traditional approaches to the study of citiesoutside the wealthiest countries. New sociological frameworks toanalyze urbaniz<strong>at</strong>ion and urbanism in Global South sites such asMexico, Argentina, Brazil, South Africa, Egypt, India, and China. Impactof politics, intern<strong>at</strong>ional finance, migr<strong>at</strong>ion, gender, and the environmenton new urban conditions.Prerequisites: SOC 103 or 113 or consentSections03594SOC 018001 ARR Centner, Ryan 1.0 Tues4:30-7;pre-req:Two (2) SocCourses Or Soc113SOC 0185SEM:MASS MEDIA STUDIESExplor<strong>at</strong>ion of contemporary perspectives and critical issues in massmedia studies. Specific topics covered will vary each semester but mayinclude media organiz<strong>at</strong>ion; audience reception; news reporting; genderand race in media; history of mass media; and studies on film,television, music, print, radio, and new technologies. Emphasis ongroup discussion and student particip<strong>at</strong>ion.Prerequisites: Junior standing, SOC 40, and permission of instructor.Sections03185SOC 018501 1 Sobieraj, Sarah 1.0 Prereq: JuniorStanding; Soc.40 OrPermissionSOC 0198DIR RESEARCH SOCIOLOGYOpen to properly qualified advanced students through consult<strong>at</strong>ion witha member of the faculty. Credit as arranged.Please see departmental website for specific details.Prerequisites: Permission of instructor.Sections0318703188035960359703598035990360003601SOC 019801 ARR Aymer, Paula 1.0 Permission OfInstructorSOC 019802 ARR Centner, Ryan 1.0 Permission OfInstructorSOC 019803 ARR Ennis, James 1.0 Permission OfInstructorSOC 019804 ARR Joseph, Paul 1.0 Permission OfInstructorSOC 019805 ARR Marrow, Helen B 1.0 Permission OfInstructorSOC 019806 ARR Ostrander, Susa 1.0 Permission OfInstructorSOC 019807 ARR Sobieraj, Sarah 1.0 Permission OfInstructorSOC 019808 ARR Taylor, Rosemar 1.0 Permission OfInstructorSOC 0199SENIOR HONORS THESISSenior Honors Thesis.Please see departmental website for specific details.Prerequisites: Permission of instructor.Sections0318903190031910319203602036030360403605SOC 019901 ARR Aymer, Paula 1.0 Permission OfInstructorSOC 019902 ARR Centner, Ryan 1.0 Permission OfInstructorSOC 019903 ARR Ennis, James 1.0 Permission OfInstructorSOC 019904 ARR Joseph, Paul 1.0 Permission OfInstructorSOC 019905 ARR Marrow, Helen B 1.0 Permission OfInstructorSOC 019906 ARR Ostrander, Susa 1.0 Permission OfInstructorSOC 019907 ARR Sobieraj, Sarah 1.0 Permission OfInstructorSOC 019908 ARR Taylor, Rosemar 1.0 Permission OfInstructor<strong>Tufts</strong> <strong>University</strong> Course Listings, Fall 2012Page 166

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