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S P R I N G 2 0 1 3 - USS at Tufts - Tufts University

S P R I N G 2 0 1 3 - USS at Tufts - Tufts University


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Course ListingsFall 2012Art History03701FAH 005501 F+TR Mctighe, Monica 1.0 Prereq Fah2,lwr Lvl OfDual Lvl Crs55/155FAH 0092SPECIAL TOPICSSpecial Topics.Please see departmental website for specific details.SectionsPOPULAR MUSICS ART HISTS01806 FAH 009201 D+ Rosenberg, Eric 1.0 Lower Level OfDual Lvl Course92/192FAH 0100THEORIES&METH ART HISTHow art history has been studied in the past and how it is currentlystudied: historiography and methodology. Consider<strong>at</strong>ion of early writerson art (Pliny, Vasari) to develop understanding of origins of presentdiscourses, and to see interaction of art, society, and theory in historicalperspective. Readings in twentieth-century approaches: from traditionalstyle and connoisseurship and their critics through Riegl's andPanofsky's fundamental works, to contemporary methods such aspsychoanalysis, Marxism, feminism, semiotics. Required course for arthistory major; recommended to be taken in the senior year. Open tononmajors with consent.Prerequisites: Two 100-level art history courses completed or takenconcurrently. This course is offered only in the fall term. In order toavoid possible course conflicts, it is recommended th<strong>at</strong> students whoplan to double major take this course during their junior year.Sections01810 FAH 010001 G+M Overbey, Karen 1.0 Ah SeniorMajors, Reg ForOne Sec01811 FAH 010002 G+M Overbey, Karen 1.0 Ah Jr Majors,Reg For OneSec01808 FAH 0100A G+W Overbey, Karen 0.0 Req Sect ForFah 0100-01;Ah Jr/sr Only01809 FAH 0100B G+W Overbey, Karen 0.0 Req Sect ForFah 0100-01;Ah Jr/sr OnlyFAH 0101HIST&METH ART HISTORYFormalism, semiotics, Marxism, feminism, structuralism,poststructuralism. The "crisis in the discipline" and historiographicalorigins of the present deb<strong>at</strong>e. Spring.Prerequisites: FAH 100 and senior or gradu<strong>at</strong>e standing.Sections01812FAH 010101 7 Mctighe, Monica 1.0 For Art HistoryMasterStudentsFAH 0120ARMENIAN ART,ARCH & POL(Cross-listed as REL 120.) Study of castles, churches, sculpture, andmanuscripts in an intern<strong>at</strong>ional context. Armenia's political and religiousties with Rome, Byzantium, Islam, the crusaders, Europe, and EastAsia. The first country to declare Christianity its official religion, Armeniacre<strong>at</strong>ed art expressing distinctive religious concepts. Its architecturaltechniques and sculpture anticip<strong>at</strong>ed l<strong>at</strong>er developments in WesternRomanesque and Gothic art.Sections01815 FAH 012001 D+ Maranci, Christ 1.0 Cross-listed AsRel 120, MeetsWorld Civ Req.FAH 0121EARLY ISLAMIC ART(Cross-listed as REL 121.) A survey of the visual arts in Muslim landsfrom Spain to Central Asia between the seventh and thirteenthcenturies, emphasizing the role of visual arts in the form<strong>at</strong>ion andexpression of cultural identity. Painting, sculpture, architecture, and theportable arts of ceramics, ivory, metalwork, and manuscript illustr<strong>at</strong>ionwill be considered. Topics will include the uses of figural and non-figuralimagery; calligraphy and ornament; religious and secular art; public andpriv<strong>at</strong>e art; the art of the court and the art of the urban middle class; andthe st<strong>at</strong>us, use, and meaning of the portable arts. (Also offered as lowerlevel.)Sections01816 FAH 012101 I+MW Hoffman, Eva R 1.0 Upper Lvl DualLvl Crs0021/0121,C-list Rel 0121FAH 0123BYZANTINE ARTIntroduction to the art and architecture of the Byzantine empire, c. 326to 1453. Considers a range of media, including icons, illumin<strong>at</strong>edmanuscripts, sculpture, church architecture, metalwork, ivories, andtextiles. Loc<strong>at</strong>ion of these artistic traditions within their social andhistorical context, focusing on issues such as imperial ideology,p<strong>at</strong>ronage, art and devotion, secular art, classical revivals, culturalinteraction, and the role of images in Byzantine society. Also offered aslower-level.Prerequisites: gradu<strong>at</strong>e student or junior or senior Art History major orpermission of instructor.Sections03702 FAH 012301 H+ Maranci, Christ 1.0 Upper Level OfDual Course23/123FAH 0141AGE OF REMBRANDT&BERNINIThe arts of seventeenth-century C<strong>at</strong>holic Europe (Italy and Spain) andHolland in the context of the Reform<strong>at</strong>ion and Counter-Reform<strong>at</strong>ion.The religious use and prohibition of images; the rise of secular artforms, priv<strong>at</strong>e collecting, and the art market. Extra assignments andclass meetings. (Also offered as lower-level.)Sections04012 FAH 014101 F+ Staff 1.0FAH 0155CONTEMP ART SINCE 1960Major art movements in Europe and America from the 1960s throughthe early 2000s. Discussions of the major works of avant-garde art andits criticism, from Abstract Expressionism through the postmodernpractices of conceptual art, feminist art, performance art, andsite-specific install<strong>at</strong>ion art. Analysis of works of art in terms of formalissues, the art-critical deb<strong>at</strong>es in which they were produced, and theirimportance for current art production. (Also offered as lower-level.)Sections03703 FAH 015501 F+TR Mctighe, Monica 1.0 PrerequisiteFah 2 Upp LvlOf Dual Lvl Crs55/155FAH 0182INDEPENDENT STUDIESGuided individual study of an approved topic.Please see departmental website for specific details.SectionsSCHEMATICS IN ART04282 FAH 018201 ARR Solan, Victoria 1.0<strong>Tufts</strong> <strong>University</strong> Course Listings, Fall 2012Page 15

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