S P R I N G 2 0 1 3 - USS at Tufts - Tufts University

S P R I N G 2 0 1 3 - USS at Tufts - Tufts University

S P R I N G 2 0 1 3 - USS at Tufts - Tufts University


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Course ListingsFall 2012Political SciencePS 0119SEM IN AMERICAN POLITICSPlease see departmental website for specific details.Sections02852 PS 011902 12 Masuoka, N<strong>at</strong>ali 1.0NEW MEDIA, NEW POLITICS03655 PS 011903 5 Berry, Jeffrey 1.0PS 0121SEM: POL CUL COM PERP(Cross-listed as PJS 121). How cultural meanings and practices shapepolitical struggles and institutions. Survey of culturalist theories ofpolitical dynamics and structures, and assessment of theories against arange of empirical case studies from Asia, the Middle East, WesternEurope, L<strong>at</strong>in America, and the United St<strong>at</strong>es.Please see departmental website for specific details.Prerequisites: Sophomore standing or permission of instructor.Sections02853PS 012101 11 Cruz, Consuelo 1.0 Held In PackardConferenceRoom;c-list Pjs121PS 0126CHINESE POLITICSSurvey of the domestic politics of the People's Republic of China. Thedevelopment of Communist Party power through the politicalcampaigns of the 1950s and 1960s. The political, cultural, economic,and social challenges faced by post-Mao reformers. Brief consider<strong>at</strong>ionof foreign policy.Prerequisites: Sophomore standing or permission of instructor.Sections02856PS 012601 D+ Remick, Elizabe 1.0PS 0127LATIN AMER POLITICSIntroduces established and changing p<strong>at</strong>terns in L<strong>at</strong>in Americanpolitics. Offers a brief historical background before concentr<strong>at</strong>ing ontwentieth-century populist politics, corpor<strong>at</strong>ist modes of interestrepresent<strong>at</strong>ion, authoritarian rule, civil-military rel<strong>at</strong>ions,democr<strong>at</strong>iz<strong>at</strong>ion, and social movements.Prerequisites: Sophomore standing or permission of instructor.Sections02857PS 012701 I+MW Cruz, Consuelo 1.0PS 0129AFRICAN POLITICSAnalysis of political developments in contemporary Africa, withemphasis on the interaction between politics and culture. Rel<strong>at</strong>esAfrica's historical, economic, social, and gender dynamics to generaltheories of politics and governance.Prerequisites: Sophomore standing or permission of instructor.Sections02858PS 012901 E+MW Robinson, Pearl 1.0 SophmoreStandingPS 0132COMP POL POSTCOMMApplic<strong>at</strong>ion and testing of theories of democr<strong>at</strong>iz<strong>at</strong>ion, economicreforms, st<strong>at</strong>e and n<strong>at</strong>ion-building, ethnic conflicts, and intern<strong>at</strong>ionalinfluences on domestic politics through the explor<strong>at</strong>ion of divergentp<strong>at</strong>hs taken by the formerly communist st<strong>at</strong>es of East-Central Europeand the former Soviet Union since the collapse of communism. Due<strong>at</strong>tention is paid to the main historical and contemporary developments,but the focus is on theoretical <strong>at</strong>tempts to explain the differentdevelopmental trajectories upon which the post-communist st<strong>at</strong>es haveembarked. Students research and write a major research paper.Prerequisites: PS 021 or other compar<strong>at</strong>ive politics course, or consent.Sections02859SEMINARPS 013201 6 Shevel, Oxana 1.0 Preq:compar<strong>at</strong>ive Course OrConsent AndJr/sr StanPS 0135COMPARATIVE REVOLUTIONThe causes, processes, and outcomes of revolution. Studentdevelopment of a theory of revolution's causes through compar<strong>at</strong>iveexamin<strong>at</strong>ion of revolutions in France, Russia, China, Iran, and oneother case chosen by the class. Discussion of whether the causes ofrevolution have changed in the l<strong>at</strong>e twentieth century.Prerequisites: Sophomore standing or permission of instructor.Sections02860PS 013501 H+ Remick, Elizabe 1.0 Preq: SophStandingPS 0138TOPICS IN COMPAR POLPlease see departmental website for specific details.SectionsCONFLICT & NAT RESOURCES02862 PS 013808 D+ Gleason, Nancy 1.0POL ECON DEVELOPING COUN02863 PS 013809 G+ Mazaheri, Nimah 1.0POLITICS OF OIL & ENERGY02864 PS 013810 K+ Mazaheri, Nimah 1.0PS 0139SEM IN COMPAR POLITICSPlease see departmental website for specific details.SectionsEUROZONE IN CRISIS03657 PS 013904 5 Art, David 1.0PS 0141SHAKESPEARE'S ROMEExplor<strong>at</strong>ion through Shakespeare's poetry of a central issue in politicalphilosophy: the effect of the regime on the character of the individual.Prerequisites: Sophomore standing or permission of instructor.Sections03658PS 014101 I+ Sullivan, Vicki 1.0 Ps 41 Or 42RecommendedPS 0144MEANING OF AMERICAAnalysis of founding political principles of the U.S. through a study ofthe deb<strong>at</strong>es th<strong>at</strong> anim<strong>at</strong>ed the Revolution, the founding of the n<strong>at</strong>ionalgovernment, and the Civil War. Among the themes analyzed are thetension between the rights of communities and the liberties of theindividual, the rel<strong>at</strong>ions between democracy and leadership, theAmerican idea of human excellence, the role of political virtue in arepublic, and the rel<strong>at</strong>ions among empire, commerce, and corruption.Discussion of how America's found<strong>at</strong>ional principles have helpedstructure future political deb<strong>at</strong>e.Prerequisites: One of the following: PS 45, 46, or permission ofinstructor.Sections03659 PS 014401 F+TR Rasmussen, Denn1.0PS 0148SEMINAR:MONTESQUIEUExamin<strong>at</strong>ion of Montesquieu's political thought through his compar<strong>at</strong>iveanalysis of political regimes in his major work, Spirit of Laws. Topicsinclude the principles th<strong>at</strong> guide tyranny, monarchy, and republicangovernment, the principle of separ<strong>at</strong>ion of powers, the meaning ofpolitical liberty, the impact of commerce on political life, the rel<strong>at</strong>ion ofmores to laws, and the character of Montesquieu's liberalism. His otherworks, The Persian Letters or Consider<strong>at</strong>ions on the Gre<strong>at</strong>ness of theRomans and Their Decline, will also be considered.<strong>Tufts</strong> <strong>University</strong> Course Listings, Fall 2012Page 149

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