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S P R I N G 2 0 1 3 - USS at Tufts - Tufts University

S P R I N G 2 0 1 3 - USS at Tufts - Tufts University


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Course ListingsFall 2012DramaDR 0002ANCIENT/MEDIEVAL THEATREEarly performance rituals in Africa, Asia, the Americas, and Europe; theclassical drama of Greece, Rome, and India; and the the<strong>at</strong>re ofmedieval Europe and Asia. Special <strong>at</strong>tention paid to the ways the<strong>at</strong>rehas challenged or supported the society th<strong>at</strong> produced it and to howethnicity, gender, sexuality, religion, class, and other social constructshave shaped performance, playwriting, and production. Rel<strong>at</strong>ionshipbetween these cultures and their the<strong>at</strong>res through a close examin<strong>at</strong>ionof approxim<strong>at</strong>ely twenty plays, rel<strong>at</strong>ed critical readings, research,present<strong>at</strong>ions and discussions. May be taken before DR 03 and/or DR04.Sections04216 DR 000201 I+ Baldyga, N<strong>at</strong>aly 1.0 Ancient &MedievalThe<strong>at</strong>reDR 0005PRODUCTION PREP CREWParticip<strong>at</strong>ion in scenery construction, costume construction, electrics, orpaint crewfor departmental major productions. Minimum of 30 hours inone semester. Required for Drama major. No credit; pass/fail grading.Prerequisites: Drama major or minor, and permission of instructor.Sections01064010650106601067DR 000501 TBA Simpson, Ted 0.0 ConsentRequired/pass-fail OnlyDR 000502 TBA Mulligan, John 0.0 ConsentRequired/pass-fail OnlyDR 000503 TBA Girard, Linda R 0.0 Drama Major &ConsentRequired/pass-fail OnlyDR 000504 TBA Staff 0.0 ConsentRequired/pass-fail OnlyDR 0006PRODUCTION RUN CREWParticip<strong>at</strong>ion in backstage, costume, lighting, or sound crew duringtechnical and dress rehersals, and performances of a faculty -directedmajor production. Required for all drama majors. No credit; pass-failgradingPrerequisites: Drama major and pemission of instructor.Sections01068010690107001071DR 000601 TBA Mulligan, John 0.0 NoCredit/pass-failOnly/consent/arena The<strong>at</strong>erDR 000602 TBA Girard, Linda R 0.0 NoCredit/pass-failOnly/consentDR 000603 TBA Simpson, Ted 0.0 NoCredit/pass-failOnly/consentDR 000604 TBA Mulligan, John 0.0 NoCredit/pass-failOnly/consentDR 0010ACTING I:INTRO TO ACTINGA basic course in acting aimed <strong>at</strong> enhancing self-confidence, oralexpression, and cre<strong>at</strong>ivity. Emphasis on concentr<strong>at</strong>ion, motiv<strong>at</strong>ion, andimprovis<strong>at</strong>ion, and wh<strong>at</strong> it means to cre<strong>at</strong>e a character and speakbefore an audience. Limit of eighteen students per section.Sections01072 DR 001001 ARR Ashley, Michell 1.0 Meets Mw9:30-11:45 Aid7501073 DR 001002 ARR Goldman-feldman 1.0 Mon & Wed01:30-3:45. Aid7501074 DR 001003 ARR Abel 1.0 Tue & Thu12-2:15. Aid 7501075 DR 001004 ARR Pounds-williams 1.0 Tue & Thu4:30-6:45. Aid7503616 DR 001005 ARR Morris, Michael 1.0 Mw4:30p-6:45pmDR 0012ACTING IITechniques and theories of acting for students with substantial prioracting experience in productions and/or classes. The role of the actor inrel<strong>at</strong>ion to the play as a whole. Work on stage speech, movement,projection, characteriz<strong>at</strong>ion, and interpret<strong>at</strong>ion through various types ofscenes.Prerequisites: Permission of instructor based on brief interview andaudition (through which first-year students may place out of DR 10).Sections01077 DR 001201 ARR Thomas, Sheride 1.0 Tu&th9:30-11:45performnHanger/consentDR 0017THEATER TECHNOLOGYThe tools, m<strong>at</strong>erials, and techniques of mounting a the<strong>at</strong>ricalproduction. Emphasis on scenic construction including basic carpentry,painting, and rigging techniques. Required lab hours to be arranged.Sections03976 DR 001701 5+ Mulligan, John 1.0DR 0018LIGHTING IThe study of the aesthetics, processes, and tools of lighting design forthe stage. Script analysis, research, color theory, equipment, designprinciples for arena and proscenium stages, design document<strong>at</strong>ion,using a combin<strong>at</strong>ion of hands-on exercises, paper projects, andcomputer visualiz<strong>at</strong>ion.Sections01078 DR 001801 F+TR Lilienthal, Bri 1.0 Meets Jaxl 2b &Light Lab,labFee $200DR 0021COMPUTER ASSISTED DESIGNA project-based examin<strong>at</strong>ion of design principles, using 3-D software asa design environment. Design projects focus on the present<strong>at</strong>ionalelements of architectural, the<strong>at</strong>rical, and commercial design. Topicsinclude modeling, texturing, lighting, and anim<strong>at</strong>ion of 3-D designs.Prerequisites: Costume, Lighting, or Set Design or any studio artsfound<strong>at</strong>ion or drawing course.Sections01080 DR 002101 Hirsig, Neal 1.0 Course TaughtOn-line OnlyDR 0027PUBLIC SPEAKINGIntroductory course exploring the fundamentals of clear, confident, andeffective communic<strong>at</strong>ion in one-on-one and group settings.Development of tension management skills, good bre<strong>at</strong>hing habits,awareness of body language, and the ability to engage an audiencethrough a series of practical exercises. Specific vocal work focuses ontone, variety of pitch, r<strong>at</strong>e, volume, and articul<strong>at</strong>ion. S<strong>at</strong>isfiesHumanities Requirement Fall 2006 and beyond.Sections01081 DR 002701 G+ Cooney, Deborah 1.0 Ugrad A&sStdts;sec 01For A&s;sec 03For Engineers01082 DR 002702 I+ Cooney, Deborah 1.0 Ugrad A&sStdts;sec 02For A&s;sec 04For Engineers03921 DR 002703 G+ Cooney, Deborah 1.0 Ugrad A&sStdts;sec 01For A&s;sec 03For Engineers03922 DR 002704 I+ Cooney, Deborah 1.0 Ugrad A&sStdts;sec 01For A&s;sec 03For Engineers<strong>Tufts</strong> <strong>University</strong> Course Listings, Fall 2012Page 56

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