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List of <strong>Abstracts</strong> 119Plenary 3 ID:4613 08:30Particle Health Effects: Understanding and Future ChallengesDoug DockeryHarvard School of Public HealthContact: ddockery@hsph.harvard.eduIn the 1980's particulate air pollution in developed countries was not considered a hazard to the publichealth. In the early 1990's epidemiologic studies reported acute (daily) and chronic (decades) exposures toparticulate air pollution were associated with increased mortality, hospital admissions, and other clinicallysignificant health indicators. The advances in epidemiologic assessment of the health effects of fineparticulates were attributable to understanding of the chemical and physical characteristics of these particlesand the ability to measure exposures in the community. Nevertheless, ambient particles remain poorlycharacterized, and the specific characteristics of particles responsible for the observed health effects are notunderstood. Current epidemiologic research is focused on identifying sub-groups of the populationparticularly susceptible to the effects of fine particles, mapping the distribution of particles within thecommunity, and identifying the sources and characteristics responsible for the observed associations.Advances in our understanding will require shared insights and partnerships between physical and chemicalscientists with biological and medical investigators.Observations 3.1 ID:4411 09:15Integrated Focus on West African cities (Cotonou, Bamako, Dakar, Ouagadougou, Abidjan, Niamey):Emissions, Air quality and Health Impact of gases and aerosolsCathy Liousse 1 , Corinne Galy 1 , Eric Assamoi 1 , Thierno Doumbia 1 , Ababacar Ndiaye 2 , Babakar Diop 3 ,Véronique Yoboué 4 , Hélène Cachier 5 , Robert Rosset 1 , Amadou Diouf 2 , Ousmane Koita 3 , Armelle Baeza 61 Laboratoire d'Aérologie CNRS UMR 55602 UCAD, Dakar, Senegal3 Université de Bamako, Mali4 Université d'Abidjan, Ivory Coast5 LSCE, Gif sur Yvette, France6 LCTC, Paris, FranceContact: lioc@aero.obs-mip.frFossil fuel and biofuel emissions of gases and particles in Africa are expected to significantly increase in thenear future, particularly due to rapid growth of African cities and megacities. Air quality degradation is thenexpected with important consequences on population health. In the frame of the OMP “Environment andHealth” centre and through the AMMA, POLCA, IDAF, MOUSSON programs, we are constructing a newintegrated methodology to study the relations between emissions, air quality and health impact. Thisapproach includes: (1) combustion emission characterizations; (2) experimental joint determination of gasconcentrations and aerosol chemistry from ultrafine to coarse aerosol size fractions and health factors(toxicology and epidemiology). In the frame of POLCA experiments, some representative individuals(cohort) submitted to long term exposures at the measurement sites have been selected and tested throughblood and spirometry analyses; (3) integrated environmental and health modeling. Exposures obtained fromour multiscale and multispecies environmental modeling will be associated to a new dedicated aerosol/gasmodule developed for intake, deposition and clearance of gases and particles in the respiratory tract. In thiswork, we show the first results illustrating the construction of this methodology: - a new African inventoryof fossil fuel and biofuel emissions adapted to regional specificities has been constructed for the years 2000-iCACGP-<strong>IGAC</strong> 2010 14 July, 2010

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