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List of <strong>Abstracts</strong> 131developed at NOAA/ESRL was adapted in order to more realistically represent tropical meteorological andchemical processes. New WRF-Chem implementations include updated land cover and surface propertiesand soil moisture initialization from an off-line hydrological model, EDGAR4 urban emissions updated withvehicle emissions inventories for South American cities, and chemistry initial and boundary conditions fromthe MOCAGE global model. CCATT-BRAMS (Coupled Chemistry-Aerosol-Tracer Transport modelcoupled to the Brazilian developments on the Regional Atmospheric Modeling System) is currently inoperational use for regional air quality forecasting at Brazil's National Institute for Space Research (INPE).Simulations were conducted with both models using RACM (Regional Atmospheric Chemistry Mechanism)and parameterizations for shallow and deep convection and 1D plume rise, with a 30/10km 2-way nestedgridconfiguration covering the Amazon Basin. The performance of the meteorological models wasevaluated using LBA flux tower and surface meteorological station data and the TRMM precipitationproduct. Simulated CO and O3 mixing ratios were compared with in-situ observations from the BARCAcampaign, and the model performance in reproducing both individual flight tracks and regional distributionswas evaluated.P-Transformation.17 ID:4529 10:30Ozone budget in the lower troposphere over AmazoniaKarla Longo 1 , Saulo Freitas 2 , Megan Bela 1 , Marcos Longo 3 , Steven Wofsy 3 , Kênia Wiedemann 4 , PauloArtaxo 4 , Niklas Jürgens 5 , Meinhat Andreae 5 , Veronica Beck 6 , Christoph Gerbig 61 Center for Earth System Science at National Institute for Space Research2 Center for Weather Forecasting and Climate Studies at National Institute for Space Research3 Harvard University4 Institute of Physics, University of São Paulo5 Max Planck Institute for Chemistry6 Max Planck Institute for BiogeochemistryContact: karla.longo@cptec.inpe.brDuring LBA/BARCA (Balanço Atmosférico Regional de Carbono na Amazônia) field experiment,measurements of several trace gases and aerosols were made onboard INPE´s “Bandeirante” aircraft. Flightstransected the Amazon basin from the Tropical Atlantic Ocean shore to the northwestern part of the Amazonbasin, passing over a variety of ecosystems from the surface to an altitude of about 5 km in two differentperiods. Phase A was in November 2008, during transition from dry to wet season, with rainfall to the westand south of Manaus, but much drier conditions with widespread vegetation fires in the eastern and northernAmazonia. Phase B occurred during the opposite transition, from wet to dry season, when the ITCZ waslocated over the equator, abnormally south of its normal position in May, favoring events of northernhemisphere inflow to the Amazon basin. Precipitation was above average and fires only occurred far to thesouth. <strong>Here</strong>, we examine the observations of ozone through comparison with mixing ratios simulated byCCATT-BRAMS, a non-hydrostatic and fully compressible mesoscale chemistry-transport model, aiming touse the model results to assess the ozone budget in the Amazonia during these two different periods. Theobserved ozone zonal gradient across the basin below 700 mb was analyzed through the relative contributionof precursors emissions from urban, biomass burning and biogenic sources, as well as chemical productionand loss, dry deposition and convective transport mechanisms.P-Transformation.18 ID:4577 10:30Cross-Border Transport of Ozone and its Precursors between Canada and the USMaryam Mirzajani, Amir HakamiCarleton UniversityiCACGP-<strong>IGAC</strong> 2010 14 July, 2010

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