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List of <strong>Abstracts</strong> 68analyzer (VTDMA) during the CAREBEIJING 2006 campaign. The concept of H(κ) can be widely used tostudy aerosol mixing states, especially in the lab experiment where a high κ resolution can be achieved.Since many cloud models are treating aerosols as internally mixed, it is worthwhile to carry out sensitivitystudies based on the H(κ) measured for real atmospheric aerosols.P-Chemistry Climate.19 ID:4288 15:35Changing anthropogenic emissions and their regional scale impacts on aerosol characteristicsChristoph Knote 1 , Dominik Brunner 1 , Yipin Zhou 1 , Christoph Popp 1 , Heike Vogel 2 , Bernhard Vogel 21 Empa, Switzerland2 KIT Karlsruhe, GermanyContact: christoph.knote@empa.chEffects of aerosols on climate and human health depend on their size as well as their chemical composition.These properties are governed by the history of the aerosols within the atmosphere. We investigate theability to simulate ambient aerosols characteristics on a regional scale, using a comprehensive Eulerianchemistry transport model (CTM). The aim is to quantify contributions to aerosol composition made bydifferent emission source categories. We are then looking into the effects that proposed emission regulationswould have on the characteristics of ambient aerosols. The weather prediction model COSMO has recentlybeen extended by detailed, online-coupled gas-phase chemistry and aerosol description. This framework iscalled COSMO-ART. Our simulation domain covers Europe at approx. 10 km horizontal resolution and 40levels in the vertical. The model is forced by IFS analyses from ECMWF. TNO (Netherlands) provided avery detailed, spatially high-resolved (approx. 8 km) anthropogenic emissions inventory. Reanalyses of theglobal CTM IFS-MOZART serve as lateral forcing for chemical tracers. Both, a winter and a summer periodof 2 weeks were chosen to investigate the accuracy of the model simulations under different meteorologicalconditions. Detailed comparisons against long-term station observations (EMEP), other model simulations(MM5/CAMx), satellite observations (NO 2 columns from OMI, AOD estimates from MeteosatSEVIRI/MODIS) and aerosol mass spectrometer (AMS) measurement campaigns are made to assess thequality of the model results. Sensitivity studies with changing total emissions from different sourcecategories like industry or traffic are conducted to investigate their contributions to the total amount andcomposition of ambient aerosols. Further, the introduction of new policies (e.g. EURO6 regulations for caremissions), and overall future scenarios (IIASA projections) are also simulated. With our work we candeliver detailed advice to air quality policy makers, as well as supply improved input data for betterconstrained climate projections.P-Chemistry Climate.20 ID:4278 15:35First results from the implementation of the piecewise log-normal approximation for aerosols inGEM-AQJennifer McLarty 1 , Jacek Kaminski 1 , Knut Von Salzen 2 , John McConnell 11 York University2 CCCMAContact: mclarty@yorku.caThe computationally efficient piecewise log-normal approximation (von Salzen, 2006) is employed in theGlobal Environmental Multiscale Air Quality (GEM-AQ) model (Kaminski et al., 2008). GEM-AQ is basedon the Canadian weather forcast model (GEM - Global Environmental Multiscale). GEM-AQ includestropospheric and stratospheric chemistry. Aerosols are included but are computationally expensive so wehave evaluated the aerosol scheme using the piecewise log-normal approximation of von Salzen (2006). WeiCACGP-<strong>IGAC</strong> 2010 12 July, 2010

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