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List of <strong>Abstracts</strong> 178P-Observations 2.27 ID:4268 10:30PRELIMINARY OBSERVATIONS OF ATMOSPHERIC SURFACE OZONE, NITROGENOXIDES, CARBON MONO OXIDE OVER INDIAN TROPICAL STAION, UDAIPURBrij Mohan Vyas 1 , Abhishesk Saxena 1 , G. Beig 21 M.L.SUKHADIA UNIVERSITY, UDAIPUR, 313 001, INDIA2 Indian Institute of Tropical Meteorology, Pune- 411 008, INDIAContact: bmvyas@yahoo.comAtmospheric surface ozone is the one of the leading positive radiative active forcing agent, trace gases whichalso acts as secondary pollutant. Its contribution towards as positive radiative forcing agent is the order of 17to 20% of total earth radiative forcing effect and it is second rank candidate after the Atmospheric CarbonDioxide trace gases. The concentration of ground level ozone primarily depends upon its precursors ( CO,NOx, CH4, Nonmethane Hydro Carbon ) as well as meteorological conditions and transport of air mass fromfar away polluted regions. Ozone is also a oxidizing agent, increasing concentration of which can alter theoxidizing capacity of the atmosphere and in turn can effect earth atmospheric chemistry and solar radiationenergy budget or the earth climate. It also heath hazard for human beings, animals and plants if its exceedscertain limits. Recent reports on the basis of modeling studies have clearly shown that surface ozone isenhancing at rate of above 2% per year due to anthropogenic activities like increased of vehicular, energyconsumption activities and industrial activities etc., over Urban and agriculture areas. Therefore, the regularinformation of ozone and its precursors on the ground levels is needed for setting the ambient air qualitythreshed levels and understanding photochemical air pollution in Urban and semi Urban area. In view of theabove, the Surface Ozone Analyser ( Thermo Scientific Make ,Model 49-i), Nitrogen Oxides Analyser(Thermo Scientific Model 42-i TL) and Carbon Monooxide ( Thermo Model 48- TLE) analyzer have beeninstalled at Department of Physics, University College of Science campus, Udaipur ( Geo. Lat 24.6’N, Geo.Log. 73.6’ E, Allti.,598) under the Research <strong>Project</strong> funded by Department of Science & Technology, NewDelhi in November, 2009.The Ozone analyzer is calibrated using internal calibration unit and externalCharcoal and Exhaust Unit ,the calibration procedure of Nitrogen Oxide analyzer is completed usingpermeation tube and oven and CO analyzer is calibrated using external Zero Air gas Cylinder and standardCO gas cylinder of 2ppm level. The real time and continuous round the clock observations of SurfaceOzone, NO, NO2, NOx and CO have been carried out at each one minute interval using the above analysers.From the analysis of recorded data from Nov., 2009, the preliminary results of diurnal variations of O3 andits precursors in winter season over Udaipur will be presented in the paper.P-Observations 2.28 ID:4431 10:30Correlations between O3 and HNO3: Analysis for the ARCTAS field campaign using aircraft, satelliteobservations and Mozart model simulationsCatherine Wespes 1 , Louisa Emmons 1 , David P. Edwards 1 , Daniel Hurtmans 2 , Pierre-François Coheur 2 ,Cathy Clerbaux 31 National Center for Atmospheric Research, Boulder, CO, USA2 Chimie Quantique et Photophysique, Université Libre de Bruxelles (ULB), Brussels, Belgium3 UPMC Univ Paris 06, CNRS UMR8190, LATMOS/IPSL, Paris, FranceContact: wespes@ucar.eduReactive nitrogen compounds play an essential role in the processes that control the ozone abundance in thelower atmosphere, in particular HNO3, which is one of the principal reservoir species for the nitrogenoxides. However, there remains a significant lack of data for simultaneous observations of O3 and HNO3,despite the fact that the correlations between these species are particularly important for characterizing airiCACGP-<strong>IGAC</strong> 2010 14 July, 2010

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