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List of <strong>Abstracts</strong> 92refine processing systems that include not only the data assimilation and modelling elements that provide thebasic monitoring and forecasting products, but also the elements that provide estimates of climate forcing,inferred corrections to the modelled sources and sinks, and derived products such as UV radiation andresources for solar power generation. An outreach cluster provides the interface to downstream-serviceproviders and other users, runs the service-chain test cases and supports the development of policy for thecontrol of atmospheric pollution.We will describe the different components of the project, the products currently delivered or planned withinMACC, and how the scientific community can have access to the MACC products.P-Observations 1.13 ID:4354 15:35SCIAMACHY and GOME: Remote Sensing of Tropospheric O3 precursors, Halogen Oxides andGreenhouse Gases from spaceJohn Burrows, Heinrich Bovensmann, Andreas Richter, Folkard Wittrock, Anja Schoenhardt, MathiasBegoin, Stefan Noel, Michael Buchwitz, Oliver Schneissing, Maximilian Reuter, Mihalis VrekoussisUniversity of BremenContact: burrows@iup.physik.uni-bremen.deThe SCIAMACHY and GOME series of measurements in the early morning began with the launch ofGOME-1 in 1995, followed by the launch of SCIAMACHY in 2002 and GOME-2 in 2006. Theseinstruments all make measurements of the back scattered radiation in the ultraviolet, visible and nearinfrared. These measurements yield a) the global observation of the ozone, O3, precursors nitrogen dioxide,NO2, and surrogate for the Volatile organic compounds Formaldehyde, HCHO, and Glyoxal, CHO.CHO, b)Bromine oxide, BrO, and iodine oxide, IO, which remove O3 and in the case of IO result in new particleformation, In addition SCIAMACHY makes measurements in the short wave infrared spectral region, whichare providing unique measurements of carbon dioxide CO2 and methane CH4. This presentation will focuson the results of the longer term changes of the O3 precursors, the halogen oxides and the greenhouse gases.P-Observations 1.14 ID:4361 15:35Dependency of mean satellite NO2 column densities on wind patternsSteffen Beirle, Thomas WagnerMPI ChemieContact: steffen.beirle@mpic.deWe calculated mean NO2 column density distributions separately for different wind directions. The resultingmaps reveal clear and consistent patterns of NO2 transport on scales of some tens to hundred km. From thedownwind decrease of NO2 and the mean wind speed, mean lifetimes can be estimated for different winddirections and different seasons. The resulting lifetimes are generally of the order of some hours up to a day(in winter). Systematic differences for different wind directions, which generally correlate with differentmean meteorological conditions like humidity, can be analyzed.P-Observations 1.15 ID:4419 15:35Improving satellite retrievals of NO2 from biomass burningNicolas Bousserez 1 , Randall Martin 1 , Lok Lamsal 1 , Jingqiu Mao 2 , Ronald Cohen 3 , Bruce E. Anderson 41 Department of Physics and Atmospheric Science, Dalhousie University Halifax, NS, Canada2 School of Engineering and Applied Sciences, Harvard University, Cambridge, Massachusetts, USAiCACGP-<strong>IGAC</strong> 2010 12 July, 2010

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