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List of <strong>Abstracts</strong> 1282009). These studies have hypothesized that the ozone is a result of thunderstorms and chemistry occurringduring the North American monsoon (NAM) when an UT anti-cyclone traps the air. To examine the role ofthunderstorms on UT composition and chemistry, we have conducted a high-resolution simulation using theWeather Research and Forecasting model coupled with Chemistry (WRF-Chem) for the NAM region so asto explicitly simulate convective systems, their convective transport and production of nitrogen oxides fromlightning, and subsequent chemistry.This presentation focuses on the mid July to early August 2006 period when the anti-cyclone sets up over thesouthern U.S. Modeled meteorology, UT ozone, and carbon monoxide are evaluated with meteorologicalanalysis data, ozonesondes, and TES satellite observations. We examine the time variation of the mass ofdifferent species in the 5-15 km region and at the 10 km altitude. We further analyze these species in thecontext of boundary layer, stratospheric, and lightning-NO x tracers. Finally we make estimates of ozoneproduction from various chemical and transport sources.P-Transformation.12 ID:4255 10:30The impact of deep convection on the radical budget over Canada in summertimeEric Apel 1 , Dan Riemer 2 , Andy Weinheimer 1 , David Knapp 1 , Louisa Emmons 1 , Alan Fried 1 , LeeMauldin 1 , Don Blake 3 , William Brune 4 , Rebecca Hornbrook 11 NCAR2 U Miami, RSMAS3 UCI4 Penn State UniversityContact: apel@ucar.eduThe mixing ratios of numerous organic trace gases and ozone were measured in the upper troposphere overCanada during the ARCTAS aircraft campaign in July 2008. A comprehensive suite of inorganic species andorganic species, including NMHCs, halogenated organics and oxygenated volatile organic compounds weremeasured using a variety of instruments on- board the NASA DC-8. The research objectives of ARCTASincluded the study of biomass burning plumes and their effect on the atmosphere. A natural extension of theobjectives included the chemical impact of deep convection on the upper troposphere over Canada. Asignificant number of convective outflow events were identified by the elevated mixing ratios of organicspecies in the upper troposphere relative to background conditions. Several dramatic convective events wereobserved in which isoprene was detected at hundreds of pptv at altitudes higher than 10 km. First generationoxidation products of isoprene were detected as well allowing a calculation of the photochemical lifetimeand hence the timescale of the convective events. The impact of deep convection on the local uppertropospheric formaldehyde and HOx budgets is assessed and a global model, MOZART, is used toextrapolate our findings into a global context.P-Transformation.13 ID:4421 10:30Assessment of the lightning nitrogen species emissions in the Upper Troposphere and of theircontributions on tropospheric chemistryJeremy Vouzelaud 1 , Bastien Sauvage 1 , Jean-Pierre Cammas 1 , Eric Defer 2 , Andreas Volz-Thomas 3 , KarinThomas 3 , Nick Demetriades 4 , Alec Bennett 51 Laboratoire d'Aérologie (Toulouse)2 LERMA (Paris)3 Forschungszentrum (Julich)4 Vaisala Inc. (Tucson)5 Met Office (Exeter)iCACGP-<strong>IGAC</strong> 2010 14 July, 2010

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