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Download Abstracts Here - IGAC Project

Download Abstracts Here - IGAC Project


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List of <strong>Abstracts</strong> 40result in acute and chronic health effects. Thus, it is important to assess the traffic impacts on PM2.5, PM10and associated pPAHs levels in micro-environments around commuters (i.e. commuters’ exposures) inTaiwan. We assessed commuters’ exposures during morning, noon, and evening hours with PersonalEnvironmental Monitors (PEM). Subjects were commuting with the same starting and ending locations viathree different modes, namely motorcycling, driving, and taking subway. One real-time Grimm PM monitorwas accompanied with motorcyclist sampling. Results showed that PM2.5 exposures of commuters ofmotorcycling, driving, and taking subway were 52-268, 32-264, 57-294µg/m3 in the first 5-day samplingperiod, respectively. The corresponding concentrations in the second 5-day period were 85-460, 42-149, and45-153µg/m3. The mean exposures of pPAHs (sum of sixteen analyzed PAH species) of motorcyclists andcar drivers were 3.2 and 12.1ng/m3, respectively, while pPAH exposures of subway riders were all underdetection limits. On average, commuters riding motorcycles in the morning had the highest PM and pPAHexposure compared to others. In addition, peak PM exposure of motorcyclists; which occurred while waitingfor traffic lights, can be as high as 5 times the mean exposure concentrations. Vehicle emission apparentlywas the major PM exposure source of motorcyclists and car drivers; while crowd was an important PMexposure source of subway riders.P-Interfaces.1 ID:4095 15:35Les connexions mondiales de fer entre la poussière du désert, la biogéochimie des océans et du climat.Bienvenu Mbiye Kalumbuyouth development of congo ONG regionaleContact: bienzilife@yahoo.frLes conditions environnementales de la Terre, y compris le climat, sont déterminées par des agentsphysiques, interactions chimiques, biologiques et humains qui transforment et le transport de matériaux etd'énergie. C'est le système de la Terre: une entité très complexe, caractérisé par des réponses multiples nonlinéaires et des seuils, avec des liens entre les éléments disparates. Une partie importante de ce système est lecycle de fer, dans lequel le fer contenant de la poussière du sol est transporté de la terre à traversl'atmosphère vers les océans, affectant la biogéochimie des océans et d'avoir donc des effets de rétroactionsur le climat et la production de poussière. Ici, nous passons en revue les principales composantes de cecycle, en identifiant les incertitudes majeures et les priorités pour la recherche future.P-Interfaces.2 ID:3438 15:35INTERRACTIONS BETWEEN ATMOSPHERE, ECOSYSTEM AND MARINE ENVIRONMENTIN NIGERIATairu SalamiNIGERIAN METEOROLOGICAL AGENCYContact: adesat2002@yahoo.comOver the past decades we have witnessed extra-ordinary natural and anthropogenic ally-driven changes inOcean Biogeochemical composition. Most of atmospheric and oceanic climatic variability have been relatedto interaction between Ecosystem, Atmosphere and Marine environment.Between 2004-2006 we studied the Interconnection and Teleconnection between ecosystem, atmosphere andmarine environment. We noted that critical input of nutrients by Riverine and increase in Green house gasescaused significant changes in Biogeochemical properties of ocean around Lagos area of Nigeria. In turn, thefeedback to local communities has resulted in changes in their economies and diets. More practical issuesiCACGP-<strong>IGAC</strong> 2010 12 July, 2010

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