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Download Abstracts Here - IGAC Project

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List of <strong>Abstracts</strong> 26P-Sources.33 ID:4569 15:35Inverted Terrestrial CO2 Fluxes and Their Sensitivity to Climatic ConditionsFeng Deng, Jing ChenUniversity of TorontoContact: dengf@geog.utoronto.caOn the basis of our previous inversion using GlobalView-CO2 data for 30 regions of the North America and20 regions for the rest of the globe, we improved the inversion results through considering the diurnalvariations of both the atmospheric boundary layer and the CO2 flux of the terrestrial ecosystem. 7-year(2001-2007) CO2 concentration observations have been used to infer the monthly CO2 flux with a timedependentBayesian synthesis inversion scheme. Preliminary inversion results of CO2 fluxes of these 50regions show considerable temporal variations among years. These variations are found to be closely relatedto climate variations, indicating that atmospheric inversion is an effective tool in assessing the interannualvariation of the terrestrial carbon flux at regional scale. The appropriate responses of the inverted terrestrialcarbon fluxes to the seasonal climatic conditions imply that considering the seasonal climatic conditionsrather than the annual means in a terrestrial carbon model and a coupled carbon-climate model couldimprove our ability to simulate and predict the feedbacks of the terrestrial carbon cycle to climate change.P-Sources.34 ID:4325 15:35Constraints on CO2 flux emissions: reconstructions of in-situ measurements from Lagrangianstochastic inversionIgnacio Pisso 1 , Prabir Patra 1 , Takakiyo Nakazawa 2 , Hidekazu Sawa 3 , Toshinobu Machida 4 , HidekazuMatsueda 31 JAMSTEC2 Tohoku University3 MRI4 NIESContact: ignacio@jamstec.go.jpUncertainties in the CO2 fluxes limit the validation of emission mitigation policies and of process levelunderstanding of the carbon cycle science. We have performed diffusive Lagrangian reconstructions of insituCO2 measurements in order to obtain constraints of CO2 fuxes. Data has been collected during theCONTRAIL aircraft campaign and from ground/tower sites, nearby the CO2 emission hot spot of the TokyoBay Area. Advective transport based on analyzed meteorological winds is characterized by thesensitivity/transition probability (Green's) function of transport allowing direct comparison withobservations via the reconstruction of the volume mixing ratio of CO2. Sensitivity to different simplifedboundary layer representations, turbulent mixing representations and meteorological felds is firstly studiedand applied to the assessment of published inventory data. We employing the WRF- Chem model for highresolutionmeteorological data products as well as Eulerian reconstruction of the CO observations.P-Sources.35 ID:4409 15:35Inverse modeling of atmospheric CO 2 and CH 4 using a fixed-lag Kalman smoother and anatmospheric transport modelTazu Saeki, Shamil Maksyutov, Dmitry Belikov, Tomohiro Oda, Hiroshi TakagiNational Institute for Environmental StudiesContact: saeki.tazu@nies.go.jpiCACGP-<strong>IGAC</strong> 2010 12 July, 2010

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