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List of <strong>Abstracts</strong> 122Observations 3.5 ID:4402 10:15The dependence of ozone production on its precursors in Pearl River Delta and Beijing Area, ChinaYuanhang Zhang, Keding Lu, Xuesong Wang, Min Shao, Tong ZhuCollege of Environmental Sciences and Engineering, Peking UniversityContact: yhzhang@pku.edu.cnIn China, due to rapid urbanization and motorization, air quality has been deteriorated especially in megacitiesand their surroundings where ozone and fine particle pollution are recognized as major problems.Starting in 2004, the College of Environmental Sciences and Engineering of Peking University took the leadin organizing a series of international field campaigns on regional air pollution in Pearl River Delta andBeijing area (PRiDe and CAREBeijing). These were targeted at both improving the scientific understandingof atmospheric chemistry processes and at providing policy recommendations to local governments. Amongthose field studies, the data from field campaigns PRiDe2004, PRiDe2006, and CAREBeijing2006 have nowbeen thoroughly processed and analyzed. In this presentation, an overview of the campaigns will bepresented with focus on the issues relevant to ozone pollution, temporal and spatial variations of ozone andprecursors will be summarized by the data integrated from regional monitoring networks and super-sites,then ozone production processes and its sensitivity in episodes to precursors will be diagnosed byobservational-based models and emission-based models, and finally the control strategy on regional ozonepollution will be recommended.P-Transformation.1 ID:4513 10:30Seasonal and diurnal variations of CH2I2, CH2ClI, CH3I and C2H5I in the marine atmosphereYoko Yokouchi, Takuya Saito, Atsushi Ooki, Hitoshi MukaiNational Institute for Environmental StudiesContact: yokouchi@nies.go.jpPhotolysis of iodocarbons emitted from the ocean produces iodine atoms, which decompose troposphericozone catalytically, and may contribute to a new particle formation. CH3I is known to be presentubiquitously in the marine boundary layer at a concentration of 0.1~5ppt. For more reactive iodocarbons,CH2ClI, CH2I2 and CH2BrI have been observed in the coastal environment at sub-ppt levels (Carpenter etal., 1999; 2003) or ppt levels (Peters et al., 2005). At remote areas, C2H5I and CH2ClI have been detected atsub-ppt level (Yokouchi et al., 1997; Chuck et al., 2005; Varner et al. ,2008), but no measurements havebeen reported for CH2I2 and CH2BrI. In this study, we report hourly measurements of CH2ClI CH2I2 andC2H5I as well as CH3I in the atmosphere at Hateruma Island in the East China Sea (24.05゜N, 123.8゜E)and at Cape Ochiishi at the north-eastern edge of Hokkaido (43.15゜N, 145.5゜E) throughout the wholeyear. Controlling factors of their concentrations in the atmosphere as well as their emission rates from theocean will be discussed.P-Transformation.2 ID:4380 10:30Conceptual Study of Water Vapor and Bry Transport Across the Tropical Transition LayerRobyn Schofield 1 , Stephan Fueglistaler 2 , Ingo Wohltmann 1 , Markus Rex 11 Alfred Wegener Institute, Potsdam, Germany2 University of Cambridge, Cambridge, United KingdomContact: robyn.schofield@awi.deThe process of water vapor transport across the tropical transition layer (TTL) combines slow advection withiCACGP-<strong>IGAC</strong> 2010 14 July, 2010

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