Complete agenda for October 2009 Council Meeting (pdf, 1610KB)

Complete agenda for October 2009 Council Meeting (pdf, 1610KB)

Complete agenda for October 2009 Council Meeting (pdf, 1610KB)


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Northland Regional <strong>Council</strong> - 21 <strong>October</strong> <strong>2009</strong> Page 118 Item 18ApplicantWhangarei District<strong>Council</strong>CON20010752101CON20080752102Kerikeri FallsInvestment LimitedCON20071928901Borneo InvestmentsLimitedCON20082022101Golden Bay CementLimitedCON20080505901ProposalReplacementconsent <strong>for</strong>sewage overflowsfrom Okara ParkPump station.New application <strong>for</strong>sewage overflowinto WaiarohiaStreamSewage,stormwater, andearthworksassociated withproposed CountryClub complex,Rainbow FallsRoad, KerikeriSewageassociated withproposed 54residential unitdevelopment,includingclubhouse andrecreationalbuilding, CobhamRoad, KerikeriReplacementconsents <strong>for</strong>various watertakes, stormwaterand contaminantdischarges at thePortland siteNotificationPeriod28 <strong>October</strong>2008 to 25November20089 <strong>October</strong>2008 to 10November2008Jointlynotified withFNDC aslead agency9 <strong>October</strong>2008 to 10November2008Jointlynotified withFNDC aslead agency12 January<strong>2009</strong> to 11February<strong>2009</strong>CommentTotal of 602 submissionsreceived: Heard 121; Not heard413; Not indicating 47; Others5; Late Not Heard 13; Late NotIndicating 3. Four submissionsattached petitions carrying with52, 108, 383, and 4252signatures respectively. Ahearing was proposed <strong>for</strong>March <strong>2009</strong>. The Applicant hassubsequently been granted anextension until the end ofFebruary 2010 to allow <strong>for</strong> anamended application <strong>for</strong> alonger term proposal, andrevised assessment ofenvironmental effects.Five submissions received, twowishing to be heard. Applicanthas requested processing to beplaced on hold until theEnvironment Court has made adecision on its appeal againstthe FNDC decision to notaccept private plan changeapplication. Court decision inAugust has upheld applicant’sappeal and directed FNDC tonotify Plan change within twomonths.Six submissions received allwishing to be heard. Applicanthas requested processing to beplaced on hold until theEnvironment Court has made adecision on its appeal againstthe FNDC decision to notaccept private plan changeapplication. Court decision inAugust has upheld applicant’sappeal and directed FNDC tonotify Plan change within twomonths.Amended conditions arecurrently being discussed withthe applicant prior to delegateddecision.

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