Complete agenda for October 2009 Council Meeting (pdf, 1610KB)

Complete agenda for October 2009 Council Meeting (pdf, 1610KB)

Complete agenda for October 2009 Council Meeting (pdf, 1610KB)


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Northland Regional <strong>Council</strong> - 21 <strong>October</strong> <strong>2009</strong> Page 151 Item 25Climate Change – Local Government Leaders'Position StatementFile 900.5Report from Kathryn Ross Local Government Senior Programme Managerdated 7 <strong>October</strong> <strong>2009</strong>.PURPOSETo discuss the “Climate change – Local Government Leaders' Position Statement”and decide whether the Chairman should sign it on behalf of <strong>Council</strong>.THE CLIMATE CHANGE – LOCAL GOVERNMENT LEADERS POSITIONSTATEMENTThe attached position statement on climate change is an output from the RegionalAffairs Committee and has National <strong>Council</strong> approval.The position statement is conservative 1 . It builds from big overarching statements onclimate change and local government’s role, to more specific statements about localgovernment’s position on adaptation and mitigation. For example:• “We commit to playing our part in helping New Zealand face the climate changechallenge. The key role we will play is to lead community responses to the risksand opportunities of climate change.• <strong>Council</strong>s provide a wise range of ratepayer funded services which will beimpacted by climate change.• We have a responsibility to help our communities prepare <strong>for</strong> and to adapt to thephysical effects of climate change…”.Local Government New Zealand has acknowledged that trying to establish thiscollective voice is a challenge. They highlight retaining one version, avoiding thetemptation to edit and “in cases accepting that the wording may not quite fit with anindividual leader’s or council’s perspective”, as being part of that challenge.The position statement specifically provides flexibility <strong>for</strong> individual councils to makechoices on climate change action. “<strong>Council</strong>s will individually show leadership andresponsibility by adopting mitigation 2 and adaptation 3 practices that will fit with theircommunity’s needs and aspirations.” The position statement clearly states that onesize will not fit all when climate change actions are being considered.Alongside this flexibility the position statement does “begin to assist local governmentspeak consistently on climate change issues”. It highlights that local government isprepared to play its part in preparing <strong>for</strong> the future and to respond to the challenges,risks and opportunities of climate change but it clearly places the responsibility <strong>for</strong>leadership on climate change mitigation on central government.A number (eight) of <strong>Council</strong>s have already signed the position statement and othershave agreed to do so. Local Government New Zealand will promote the position1 Local Government New Zealand report to National <strong>Council</strong>. The word “conservative” is usedhere in opposition to a word like radical, rather than to denote political affiliation.2 Mitigation is taking action to mitigate (avoid, moderate, alleviate) climate change (at scalesthat we cannot adapt to).3 Adaptation is about adapting to changes in climate that are already happening (or will flowthrough the system). How can people or organisations “climate proof” their property,business, etc. A key adaptation question is how to deal with the risk of climate change?

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