Complete agenda for October 2009 Council Meeting (pdf, 1610KB)

Complete agenda for October 2009 Council Meeting (pdf, 1610KB)

Complete agenda for October 2009 Council Meeting (pdf, 1610KB)


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Northland Regional <strong>Council</strong> - 21 <strong>October</strong> <strong>2009</strong> Page 46 Item 9Warrants of AppointmentFile: 110.8Report by Local Government Senior Programme Manager Kathryn Ross dated7 <strong>October</strong> <strong>2009</strong>.PURPOSEThe purpose of this item is to obtain the <strong>Council</strong>’s approval <strong>for</strong> delegations, and theissuing of appropriate warrants, to <strong>Council</strong> officers carrying out statutory and bylawfunctions <strong>for</strong> and on behalf of the <strong>Council</strong> in accordance with:• the Local Government Acts (1974 and 2002);• the Resource Management Act 1991;• the Biosecurity Act 1993;• the Local Government (Infringement Fees <strong>for</strong> Offences: Northland Regional<strong>Council</strong> Navigation Safety Bylaw) Regulations 2008 and Northland Regional<strong>Council</strong> Navigation Safety Bylaw 2007;• the Land Drainage Act 1908 and the Soil Conservation and Rivers Control Act1941 (as amended).Approval is now sought because of new staff appointments and an internal review ofthe existing warrants database.REVIEW AND CONFIRMATION OF WARRANTS OF APPOINTMENTThe Operations Director has recently carried out a review of the warranted officerdatabase to:• Ensure officers have the delegated powers and warrants necessary <strong>for</strong> theircurrent roles and responsibilities;• Incorporate any law changes;• Ensure all warrants held by <strong>Council</strong> officers are no more than three years old.Delegations are generally made to positions and not individuals. However, warrantsare issued to specific staff or contractors by name. Attached in Appendix 1 is arevised list of delegated authority <strong>for</strong> <strong>Council</strong> officers, which reflects the review andnew staff appointments (Jonathan Hampson, Toby Kay and Jonathan Santos). Nonew areas of authority are being delegated from <strong>Council</strong> by this item.<strong>Council</strong> is there<strong>for</strong>e asked to approve the revised delegations in the list and theconsequent issue/re-issue of warrants to those officers as appropriate. The <strong>Council</strong>delegations manual will then be amended to reflect the delegations made to specificindividuals at this <strong>Council</strong> meeting. (The general delegations to positions referred toin the Delegations Manual will not be altered but are included <strong>for</strong> ease of reference.)CONFIRMATION OF DELEGATION TO ISSUE WARRANTSIt is also recommended that the <strong>Council</strong> confirms that the Chief Executive Officer hasthe delegated authority to issue warrants, as appropriate, <strong>for</strong> the whole conduct ofthe <strong>Council</strong>’s business and that the delegation is not limited to issuing warrants to the“en<strong>for</strong>cement officers” on behalf of the <strong>Council</strong>. This would confirm <strong>for</strong> example thatthe Chief Executive Officer has the delegated authority to issue a warrant on behalfof the <strong>Council</strong> to:

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