Complete agenda for October 2009 Council Meeting (pdf, 1610KB)

Complete agenda for October 2009 Council Meeting (pdf, 1610KB)

Complete agenda for October 2009 Council Meeting (pdf, 1610KB)


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Northland Regional <strong>Council</strong> - 21 <strong>October</strong> <strong>2009</strong> Page 140 Item 22Delegated Authority to take Action under the BuildingAct 2004 and Local Government Act 2002File: 110.8Report from the Consents Specialist David Roke dated 7 September <strong>2009</strong>.PURPOSEThe purpose of this item is <strong>for</strong> the <strong>Council</strong> to delegate to staff of the NorthlandRegional <strong>Council</strong> (the <strong>Council</strong>) and Environment Waikato (EW) regional councilfunctions <strong>for</strong> dams (other than building consent functions) under the Building Act2004 and powers of entry under the Local Government Act 2002.POWERS TO BE DELEGATEDThe various functions and powers are as set out in the attached schedule and arelargely self explanatory. While some of the actions are very unlikely to be required,<strong>for</strong> example, the seeking of accreditation as a Building Consent Authority undersections 194 and 253 of the Building Act 2004, in the unlikely event that EWwithdraws from the current transfer agreement, they are included <strong>for</strong> completeness.High level functions and responsibilities remain with the Chief Executive Officer.More routine functions are delegated to appropriately trained staff.BACKGROUNDAt the February <strong>2009</strong> <strong>Council</strong> meeting the <strong>Council</strong> delegated to the Chief ExecutiveOfficer most of the <strong>Council</strong>’s functions <strong>for</strong> dams under the Building Act 2004 pendingthe completion of training by other officers. That training has now been completed(given by the <strong>Council</strong>’s delegated building authority, Mr Owen Smith of EW).The <strong>Council</strong> transferred the functions of processing applications <strong>for</strong> building consents<strong>for</strong> dams to EW. This arrangement will continue in accordance with the agreementssigned at the end of the 2007/08 financial year.Recommendation1. That the report on Delegated Authority to take Action under the Building Act 2004and Local Government Act 2002 from the Consents Specialist dated 7 <strong>October</strong><strong>2009</strong> (the report) be received.2. That the <strong>Council</strong> delegate the powers functions and responsibilities detailed inthe schedule of the report to the staff listed therein; and3. That the Chief Executive Officer issue warrants as specified in that schedule; and4. That the Building Act delegations, adopted in December 2008 and February <strong>2009</strong>be rescinded.COMPLIANCE WITH DECISION MAKING PROCESSThe activities detailed in this report are provided <strong>for</strong> in the <strong>Council</strong>’s <strong>2009</strong>-2019LTCCP. As such they are in accordance with the <strong>Council</strong>’s decision making processand sections 76-82 of the Local Government Act 2002.

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