western quebec and southern ontario - Department of Geology

western quebec and southern ontario - Department of Geology

western quebec and southern ontario - Department of Geology


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origin times <strong>of</strong> the remaining 52 events were calculated using the HYPOCENTERprogram (26 stations on average).Distance weightingrange(km)Table 4.1: Results from distance weighting tests.Total RMS forall eventsNumber <strong>of</strong>events withsolutionsAveragenumber <strong>of</strong>stations150-350 33.97 48 18200-350 35.40 48 17250-350 35.42 48 19300-500 42.56 50 25300-600 44.50 52 26350-550 44.30 51 26350-650 49.84 50 25400-550 45.76 50 26400-600 46.10 50 26The distribution <strong>of</strong> the RMS for all individual solutions is shown in Figure 4.1.The majority <strong>of</strong> the RMS is smaller than 0.60 s (60%) with an average value <strong>of</strong> 0.45 s forall events. The maximum RMS is 0.8 sec. The distribution <strong>of</strong> the azimuthal gaps is alsoshown on Figure 3.10. The minimum azimutal gap <strong>of</strong> the events is 56˚<strong>and</strong> the largestazimutal gap is 300˚ (only for two events). Around 60% <strong>of</strong> all events have azimuthal gaps<strong>of</strong> less than 180°. A smaller azimuthal gap would give better solution for the hypocentrelocation.45

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