FMI 3-34.119 - Soldier Support Institute - U.S. Army

FMI 3-34.119 - Soldier Support Institute - U.S. Army

FMI 3-34.119 - Soldier Support Institute - U.S. Army


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GlossaryDOTLDDOTMLPFDirectorate of Training and Leader Developmentdoctrine, organization, training, materiel, leadership, personnel, andfacilitiesDPM Deputy Program ManagerDSN defense switched networkDTES Division Tactical Exploitation SystemDTG date-time groupE-5 sergeantEAC echelons above corpsECP entry control pointEHAT explosive hazards awareness trainingEHCC explosive hazards coordination cellEHCT-T explosive hazards awareness train-the-trainerEHDB explosive hazards databaseEHT explosive hazards teamELINT electronic intelligenceEMF engineer mission forceengr engineerEOCA explosive ordnance clearing agentEOD explosive ordnance disposalERDC Engineer Research and Development CenterESCT engineer specific countermine trainingESCT-T engineer specific countermine train-the-trainerEU electronics unitEXEVAL exercise evaluationfax facsimileFBCB2 Force XXI battle command-brigade and belowFBI Federal Bureau of InvestigationFISINT foreign instrumentation signals intelligenceFM field manual<strong>FMI</strong> field manual interim<strong>FMI</strong>G Foreign Materiel Intelligence GroupFMFM Fleet Marine Force ManualFMT forward maintenance teamFOB forward operating baseFORSCOM Forces CommandFP force protectionFRAGO fragmentary orderfreq frequencyft feet; footG-2 Assistant Chief of Staff, Intelligence21 September 2005 <strong>FMI</strong> 3-<strong>34.119</strong>/MCIP 3-17.01 Glossary-3

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