Journey Back to Eden.pdf - St Mark Coptic Orthodox Church Chicago

Journey Back to Eden.pdf - St Mark Coptic Orthodox Church Chicago

Journey Back to Eden.pdf - St Mark Coptic Orthodox Church Chicago


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156 APRILIn the papal compound I met a certain gentleman named NasrHakim, a nephew of Mr. Tewfik, the owner of the hotel I have visitedin Cairo. Nasr is from Khar<strong>to</strong>um and works in the importingand exporting of lumber. He <strong>to</strong>ld me about the suffering of theChristians in the Sudan and said that the situation there is deteriorating.In the next few years he imagines that there will be muchloss of Christian life in that country. This is not something aboutwhich I am at all familiar at present, so I listened attentively <strong>to</strong> hisdescriptions of the situation there.I also had another opportunity <strong>to</strong> meet Bishop Serapion, thesecretary of Pope Shenouda and the bishop in charge of EcumenicalAffairs. He is always observing what I am doing and askingquestions about my progress. Anba Serapion questioned me, in agentle way, about my need <strong>to</strong> stay so long in Egypt. He doesn’tfully understand the “participant-observation” requirement of theanthropologist, although I have tried <strong>to</strong> explain <strong>to</strong> him that the intensityof the process requires about a year of sustained presence.He keeps imagining that I am trying <strong>to</strong> learn something of theart and the spirit of monasticism in Egypt so that I can transplant it<strong>to</strong> the <strong>St</strong>ates. He <strong>to</strong>ld me that American culture would not permitmonasticism such as it is practiced in Egypt, that my country is antithetical<strong>to</strong> this kind of monasticism. I neither agreed nor disagreedwith him. I’m not sure <strong>to</strong> what kind of monasticism American culturewould be agreeable. I feel that even <strong>to</strong> live Benedictine monasticismin America is already something so countercultural that most ofus who are trying <strong>to</strong> do so are unconsciously compromised in manyof our efforts, inasmuch as we are as much the children of our cultureas we are the sons of <strong>St</strong>. Benedict. So if we, who are WesternReligious and have been living in Western culture for all these centuries,are compromised, it may well be that the mentality of Easternmonasticism could not easily be transplanted in<strong>to</strong> the <strong>St</strong>ates.To Visit or To <strong>St</strong>ay?I had a two-hour conversation with Pope Shenouda this afternoon.He <strong>to</strong>ld me about new buildings that are being constructed in thepapal compound and in the Monastery of <strong>St</strong>. Bishoi. He talkedabout the need for a spirit of calm amongst his people: that they

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