Journey Back to Eden.pdf - St Mark Coptic Orthodox Church Chicago

Journey Back to Eden.pdf - St Mark Coptic Orthodox Church Chicago

Journey Back to Eden.pdf - St Mark Coptic Orthodox Church Chicago


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A TIME OF CONSECRATION 159I was asked yet again <strong>to</strong> do a reading during the consecration ofthe Myron, this time from the first chapter of the Acts of the Apostles,verses 1 <strong>to</strong> 14. In this passage, Jesus, just before his Ascension,instructs his disciples <strong>to</strong> remain in Jerusalem till they are baptizedby the Holy Spirit. This “baptism” of Pentecost is an anointing,said the Pope, an outpouring of grace which empowers the <strong>Church</strong><strong>to</strong> anoint with oil in the Name of Jesus.Even more ingredients were added and stirred in<strong>to</strong> the oil<strong>to</strong>day, and the fire was heated <strong>to</strong> a higher temperature. It seemsthat the volume of the oil has been melting down and diminishinga bit during these days of consecration, but I’m <strong>to</strong>ld that this is as itshould be.Midnight WatchAPRIL 7, TUESDAYI rose in the middle of the night and accompanied one of thepriests, Abuna Girgus, in<strong>to</strong> the church <strong>to</strong> strain the Myron, <strong>to</strong> addnew ingredients, and then <strong>to</strong> fire the charcoal. I was privileged <strong>to</strong>do this. Abuna Girgus is something of a chemist; he wanted <strong>to</strong>show me some of the technical parts of the ceremony so that Iwould understand it better in terms of my research.During the day, balsam was added <strong>to</strong> the oil and passages from1 Corinthians, chapters 12 <strong>to</strong> 14 were read, dealing with the giftsof the Holy Spirit. Many bishops participated again <strong>to</strong>day. Thisseems <strong>to</strong> be the day of greatest participation of those from outsidethe House. I dined in the papal residence again in their company.Bishop Serapion, who has come and gone and returned again fromCairo, brought me a bundle of mail which had arrived at the Patriarchatefor me.An Ethiopian SeminarianAPRIL 8, WEDNESDAYAn Ethiopian seminarian named Bekalu, with whom I havebeen in contact, is studying in Cairo at the Patriarchate seminary.He arrived <strong>to</strong>day for the ceremony with some Ethiopian monks.

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