Journey Back to Eden.pdf - St Mark Coptic Orthodox Church Chicago

Journey Back to Eden.pdf - St Mark Coptic Orthodox Church Chicago

Journey Back to Eden.pdf - St Mark Coptic Orthodox Church Chicago


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62 DECEMBERis by fasting, most of all, that we are able <strong>to</strong> train the <strong>to</strong>ngue. Fastingfrom all kinds of food, in all kinds of ways, deprives the <strong>to</strong>ngueof the prior right it would like <strong>to</strong> claim over our body.Abuna Sidrak said that fasting from words, fasting from a volumeof speech, being willing <strong>to</strong> humbly accept the yoke of silenceand quietude—this <strong>to</strong>o deprives the <strong>to</strong>ngue of the mastery of ourhearts and minds. The <strong>to</strong>ngue is a very useful <strong>to</strong>ol for the art oflove and for the art of prayer, but it is also the means by which weafflict others and even our own selves. So it must, more than anythingelse, be called in<strong>to</strong> holy obedience <strong>to</strong> the Gospel. It must becomethe locus from which we allow the grace of the Gospel andthe merit of the Cross <strong>to</strong> win for us a liberation from evil.I find very much of what Abuna Sidrak said <strong>to</strong> be congenial,consistent with both what has been revealed in the spiritual classicsand with what is apparent in human nature. I wonder, always, whyso little is said about the province of evil in the modern world andin the modern <strong>Church</strong>. It strikes me that in earlier times no onedoubted the realms of good and evil: the one God and his omnipotentpower versus the darker realm of disobedience filled withfallen angels. In those days, there were abundant signs of such realities.But in our day, when so many people, at least ostensibly,doubt both realities, then God in his heaven seems <strong>to</strong> give fewersigns. God wishes us <strong>to</strong> live a life of faith, not a life of entertainmentfed by continual signs. As Jesus pointed out, “A wicked generationdemands signs” (cf. Matthew 12:39).The Evil One, likewise, for al<strong>to</strong>gether different purposes,may hide his signs and obscure his art, for it is by far the mostcunning aspect of evil that he should deceive us with regard <strong>to</strong> hispurposes. Our not knowing what he intends or what he doesleaves the soul open for a greater conquest on his part. And, indeed,confusion and lies, deceptions as <strong>to</strong> what is real or what istrue have been his art from the beginning. So, if he can causefear, as so many people experience nowadays; if he can cause allkinds of temptations of the flesh, as so many people suffer nowadays;if he can cause confusion as <strong>to</strong> his own existence, then hedoes what he has always done. He does it perhaps better nowthan ever, because of our inability <strong>to</strong> recognize his agency. Thisseems <strong>to</strong> be consistent with the contemporary experience of theWestern <strong>Church</strong>.

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