Journey Back to Eden.pdf - St Mark Coptic Orthodox Church Chicago

Journey Back to Eden.pdf - St Mark Coptic Orthodox Church Chicago

Journey Back to Eden.pdf - St Mark Coptic Orthodox Church Chicago


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A TIME TO VISIT NEW PLACES 187Of Mountain Tops and Hermits’ CavesJUNE 19, FRIDAYI have now been privileged <strong>to</strong> spend a day and a night on themountain of <strong>St</strong>. Anthony. The path <strong>to</strong> the cave is rather a rigorousone <strong>to</strong> ascend: rocky and slippery, actually a little dangerous hereand there. All the more enthusiastically did I find myself climbing<strong>to</strong> the mountain <strong>to</strong>p. <strong>St</strong>aying in the cave was an extraordinary joy.The silence was indescribable, and the view from the <strong>to</strong>p of themountain was also unimaginable. Even the Red Sea could be seenfar, far on the eastern horizon. I even thought that I could see almostas far as Cairo from the mountain <strong>to</strong>p.Perched a<strong>to</strong>p this mountain, so far from the world below, yetvisually so close <strong>to</strong> much of it—perhaps it was because he couldlive here that Anthony would sometimes be compelled by grace<strong>to</strong> go down the mountain. He would travel <strong>to</strong> those places that hecould see in the distance <strong>to</strong> proclaim the message of God’sprophetic will and God’s judgment and God’s plan <strong>to</strong> believerswho had grown negligent of his truth or his law. To be both insolitary prayer and yet visually cognizant of the needs of theworld is the foundation of a dynamic apos<strong>to</strong>late. The Gospel recallsthat Jesus observed his apostles in danger as they were crossingthe sea while he was on the mountain in prayer. This must beemblematic!It occurs <strong>to</strong> me that I am collecting in my memories a numberof caves in which I have been privileged <strong>to</strong> pray. All the way back inthe Wadi Natroun, I was sometimes able <strong>to</strong> pray in the cave near<strong>St</strong>. Bishoi Monastery. I remember how the abbot directed me <strong>to</strong> tiethe wire that hung from the ceiling of that cave around my hair ormy beard so that I would remain standing and not sit down or drif<strong>to</strong>ff in<strong>to</strong> sleep during the time of my retreat. I also remember thecave of Pope Kyrillos near the Monastery of el Baramous. Now Ihave come <strong>to</strong> the cave of <strong>St</strong>. Anthony in the desert, the very cave inwhich I am given <strong>to</strong> believe that the original impulse for themonastic life—and, therefore, my own monastic life—was born. Ina certain sense, the religion of Israel was born in a cave when Godgave the Law <strong>to</strong> Moses on Mount Sinai. Even our own Christianfaith was born in a cave, the cave of Bethlehem.

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