SD Specifications Part 1 UHS-II Simplified Addendum - SD Association

SD Specifications Part 1 UHS-II Simplified Addendum - SD Association

SD Specifications Part 1 UHS-II Simplified Addendum - SD Association


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<strong>UHS</strong>-<strong>II</strong> <strong>Simplified</strong> <strong>Addendum</strong> Version 1.01©Copyright 2010-2013 <strong>SD</strong> Card <strong>Association</strong>4.3.4 JitterThe relation between eye-opening and total jitter is defined by Eye Opening = 1UI- T J . The more jitter,the less eye-opening. Thus, for ensuring the interconnection between Host and Device, jitterspecification shall be adhered for each differential Lane: RCLK, D0 and D1.Total Jitter T J consists of two jitter components: deterministic peak to peak jitter D J and random rootmean square jitter R J-rms .Total Jitter T J is calculated by the following equation:T D Q RJJJ _ rmsWhere, Q factor is related to Bit error rate (BER). In <strong>UHS</strong>-<strong>II</strong>, BER performance of PHY shall be achievedby 10 -12, when Q is 14.1.The D J contains two elements D J (ISI) which is the deterministic jitter caused by ISI and S J which is asinusoidal jitter component.Test pattern, jitter element budgeting and jitter injection method is specified in <strong>UHS</strong>-<strong>II</strong> PHY TestGuideline document.Section to Section is a blank in the <strong>Simplified</strong> <strong>Addendum</strong>.Host Compliance test environmentHostHost Test Fixture PCBDevice Compliance test environment(1)Jitter Tolerance for Device Receiver at TP2RCLKT J ptp = S J_ptp + D J (ISI) _ptp + Q*R J_rmsLSID0TP1D1Host PCBTP2SocketJitter Components (ptp) [UI]234KS-20dB/decadeDJ(ISI) and Q*RJ_rmsSJ2.34M RLCKS FrequencyFrequency [Hz](2)Jitter Tolerance for Host Receiver at TP2T J ptp = S J_ptp + D J (ISI) _ptp + Q*R J_rmsJitter Components (ptp) [UI]234KS-20dB/decadeDJ(ISI) and Q*RJ_rmsSJ2.34M RLCKS FrequencyFrequency [Hz]Frequency [Hz] TJ ptp [UI] SJ ptp [UI]234KSf2.34MSfRLCK FrequencyRCLKD01.30.40.4D0 to RCLK Relative jitterCard Test Fixture PCBLSI1.00.10.1Frequency [Hz] TJ ptp [UI] SJ ptp [UI]234KSf2.34MSfRLCK Frequency1.<strong>UHS</strong>-<strong>II</strong> <strong>SD</strong> CardFigure 4-7: Jitter Tolerance SpecificationNotes of Figure 4-7 is a blank in the <strong>Simplified</strong> <strong>Addendum</strong>.19

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