SD Specifications Part 1 UHS-II Simplified Addendum - SD Association

SD Specifications Part 1 UHS-II Simplified Addendum - SD Association

SD Specifications Part 1 UHS-II Simplified Addendum - SD Association


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<strong>UHS</strong>-<strong>II</strong> <strong>Simplified</strong> <strong>Addendum</strong> Version 1.01©Copyright 2010-2013 <strong>SD</strong> Card <strong>Association</strong>BitByte012::"Block Length" + 1or TLEN + 17 6 5 4 3 2 1 0Header(NP=1, Packet Type = DATA)PayloadHeaderPayloadFigure 6-14 : Basic DATA Format Payload: Data included with DATA. The length of payload is equal to Block Length in Block Mode and TLEN in Byte Mode. It is transmitted in LSB first, MSB last. For the individual byte, it is msb first, lsb last. Operation of Reserved Bits in the PacketThe following table indicates how each Node operates reserved bits in the packet.NodeInitiator (both Host andDevice)Device bypassing controlpacketDevice handling broadcastpacketOperationReserved bits shall be set to '0' other than in CMD_ECHO_BACKfieldReserved bits shall be ignored upon reception, and not to be set orcleared upon transmission.Reserved bits shall be ignored upon reception, and not to be set orcleared upon transmission.Table 6-5 : Operation for the Reserved Bits in the PacketHost should use Reserved bits considering the specification versions that all devices that exist in thering topology.54

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