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142 heritage for peace and reconciliation | manual for teacherContentsLesson Plan 3First world war centenary – an example of a local and school-transcending project• SubjectThe Zeebrugge Raid and the Peace Bridge in Antwerp• Age10 to 12• Social Legitimation – Learning theme or cross-curricular themef Global orientationf Social attitudes/ethicsf Languagef History• Teaching objectives/projectKnowledgeThe children will know:• the local history of the First World War• the processes that lead to war and peace, both on a small scale (school, family)and a large scale (international context)• the living conditions of children in war zones, both today and during the FirstWorld WarSkillsThe children can:• make connections between the past and today• use different media• consult various sources• work together and communicate• use creative thinking skills to complete 5 different missions in 5 different locations(each location is linked to the First World War)AttitudesThe children want to:• empathize with different living conditions in the past, or elsewhere in the world today• respect human dignity• practice social responsibility and solidarity

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