Fundamental Food Microbiology, Third Edition - Fuad Fathir

Fundamental Food Microbiology, Third Edition - Fuad Fathir

Fundamental Food Microbiology, Third Edition - Fuad Fathir


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Many species of Bacillus, Clostridium, and Desulfotomaculum are associated<br />

with food spoilage and foodborne diseases. Due to high heat resistance, the spores<br />

are of special interest and importance in food processing. Special attention must be<br />

given to processing and preserving the foods so that the spores are either destroyed<br />

or prevented from undergoing germination and outgrowth, because ungerminated<br />

spores cannot cause spoilage or foodborne disease. Another possibility is to induce<br />

the spores to germinate and outgrow and then expose them to an antibacterial<br />

treatment to destroy them. Superdormant spores of the spoilage and pathogenic<br />

species pose another problem. As they are not detected normally with the other<br />

spores, a processing condition could be wrongly adopted with the idea that it will<br />

eliminate all spores. Subsequently, these surviving superdormant spores can germinate,<br />

outgrow, and grow, and either cause the food to spoil or make it unsafe. As it<br />

is impossible to destroy all spores in many foods, several specific methods or a<br />

combination of processing and preservation methods have been developed to overcome<br />

problems of spores in food. 1,2<br />

In the canning of low-acid food, very high heat treatment is employed to achieve<br />

commercial sterility that kills spores of all pathogenic bacteria and most spoilage<br />

bacteria (except some of thermophilic spoilage bacteria). To prevent germination of<br />

spores, depending on the food type, nitrite (in processed meat), low pH (acid<br />

products), low A w, or high salt are used. High hydrostatic pressure is currently being<br />

studied to determine its spore destruction potential. Although spores of molds are<br />

destroyed at relatively low pressure (£400 MPa), spores of many pathogenic and<br />

spoilage bacteria need a combination of very high pressure (�700 MPa) and high<br />

temperature (�90�C) to obtain commercial sterility. 5 It has been known for long that<br />

spores of many foodborne bacteria can be activated to germination and outgrowth<br />

at a lower pressure range. Following such a pressure treatment, another antibacterial<br />

treatment, such as another pressure cycle, heat, or antimicrobial preservative can be<br />

given to destroy the germinated and outgrown spores before cell growth starts. The<br />

influence of several parameters on germination, such as pressure range, time of<br />

pressurization, pressurization temperature, and holding time following pressurization,<br />

is currently being studied. 6 Table 8.1 presents the results of a study. It can be<br />

seen that under any given condition, germination induction varies greatly with<br />

species. In general, germination increases with pressure and temperature within the<br />

range studied. More such studies with many strains of the important species will<br />

provide more meaningful data to determine the potential of such treatment to control<br />

bacterial spores in food.<br />

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Spore formation by certain yeasts, molds, and bacterial species is a means of survival<br />

and continuation of the life process. In yeasts and molds, sporulation occurs by<br />

asexual and sexual process; in bacteria, it occurs through differentiation, regulated<br />

and expressed by many genes.<br />

Spore formation enables the dissemination of the species widely in the environment<br />

as well as contamination of foods. Their growth in food can be undesirable

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