Fundamental Food Microbiology, Third Edition - Fuad Fathir

Fundamental Food Microbiology, Third Edition - Fuad Fathir

Fundamental Food Microbiology, Third Edition - Fuad Fathir


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1970s, it was involved in more than 7% of the total foodborne outbreaks and more<br />

than 10% of the total number of cases. In the 1980s, the incidence dropped to ca.<br />

3% of the total outbreaks, affecting ca. 5% of the total cases. The outbreaks generally<br />

occur with some foods that were prepared in advance by heating and then kept warm<br />

for several hours before serving. In the majority of the instances, these situations<br />

are associated with feeding many people within a short period of time in cafeterias,<br />

restaurants, schools, and banquets (banquet disease). Between 1983 and 1987, out<br />

of 24 outbreaks, 12 were associated with such institutions and only 1 outbreak<br />

occurred with food prepared at home. As the disease produces mild symptoms, many<br />

incidents are probably not reported. Thus, the reported cases could be only a fraction<br />

of the actual numbers. 1,2<br />

B. Characteristics<br />

The cells are Gram-positive rods, motile, and sporeformers. Cells vary in size and<br />

can form small chains. Clo. perfringens is anaerobic but can tolerate some air<br />

(oxygen). The vegetative cells are sensitive to low-heat treatment (pasteurization),<br />

but the spores are extremely heat resistant, and some can survive even boiling for<br />

several hours. The cells are resistant to D-cycloserine. In the presence of suitable<br />

substrates, H 2S is formed during growth. The cells need several amino acids for<br />

growth. Thus, they can grow very effectively in many protein foods. The temperatures<br />

of growth of vegetative cells and germination of spores and outgrowth range<br />

between 10 and 52�C. The optimum growth occurs at ca. 45�C. At optimum<br />

conditions, cell multiplication can be very rapid, in ca. 9 min. The cells fail to<br />

grow well at pH 5%, at A w,

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