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y a trim little man who wore horn-rimmed glasses and a weirdly futuristic button on his vest:<br />

TRUST NOBODY, it said.<br />

“Are you Silent Mike?” I asked.<br />

“Yep.”<br />

“And are you truly silent?”<br />

He smiled. “Depends on who’s listening.”<br />

“Let’s assume nobody,” I said, and told him what I wanted. It turned out I could have saved my<br />

eight bucks, because he had no interest at all in my supposedly cheating wife. It was the equipment I<br />

wanted to buy that interested the proprietor of Satellite Electronics. On that subject he was<br />

Loquacious Mike.<br />

“Mister, they may have gear like that on whatever planet you come from, but we sure don’t have it<br />

here.”<br />

That stirred a memory of Miz Mimi comparing me to the alien visitor in The Day the Earth Stood<br />

Still. “I don’t know what you mean.”<br />

“You want a small wireless listening device? Fine. I got a bunch in that glass case right over there<br />

to your left. They’re called transistor radios. I stock both Motorola and GE, but the Japanese make the<br />

best ones.” He stuck out his lower lip and blew a lock of hair off his forehead. “Ain’t that a kick in the<br />

behind? We beat em fifteen years ago by bombing two of their cities to radioactive dust, but do they<br />

die? No! They hide in their holes until the dust settles, then come crawling back out armed with<br />

circuit boards and soldering irons instead of Nambu machine guns. By 1985, they’ll own the world.<br />

The part of it I live in, anyway.”<br />

“So you can’t help me?”<br />

“Whattaya, kiddin? Sure I can. Silent Mike McEachern’s always happy to help fill a customer’s<br />

electronic needs. But it’ll cost.”<br />

“I’d be willing to pay quite a bit. It could save me even more when I get that cheating bitch into<br />

divorce court.”<br />

“Uh-huh. Wait here a minute while I get something out of the back. And turn that sign in the<br />

door over to CLOSED, wouldja? I’m going to show you something that’s probably not . . . well, maybe<br />

it is legal, but who knows? Is Silent Mike McEachern an attorney?”<br />

“I’m guessing not.”<br />

My guide to sixties-era electronica reappeared with a weird-looking gadget in one hand and a small<br />

cardboard box in the other. The printing on the box was in Japanese. The gadget looked like a dildo<br />

for pixie chicks, mounted on a black plastic disc. The disc was three inches thick and about the<br />

diameter of a quarter, with a spray of wires coming out of it. He put it on the counter.<br />

“This is an Echo. Manufactured right here in town, son. If anyone can beat the sons of Nippon at<br />

their own game, it’s us. Electronics is gonna replace banking in Dallas by 1970. Mark my words.” He<br />

crossed himself, pointed skyward, and added, “God bless Texas.”<br />

I picked the gadget up. “What exactly is an Echo when it’s at home with its feet up on the<br />

hassock?”<br />

“The closest thing to the kind of bug you described to me that you’re gonna get. It’s small because<br />

it doesn’t have any vacuum tubes and doesn’t run on batteries. It runs on ordinary AC house current.”<br />

“You plug it into the wall?”<br />

“Sure, why not? Your wife and her boyfriend can look at it and say, ‘How nice, someone bugged the<br />

place while we were out, let’s have a nice noisy shag, then talk over all our private business.’”<br />

He was a geek, all right. Still, patience is a virtue. And I needed what I needed.<br />

“What do you do with it, then?”<br />

He tapped the disc. “This goes inside the base of a lamp. Not a floor lamp, unless you’re interested

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