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that is.”<br />

“You want to ask im some more now that he’s tenderized?” Carmo asked.<br />

“You kiddin? Look at im. He don’t even know his own name anymore. Fuck him.” He started to<br />

turn away, then turned back. “Hey, asshat. Here’s one to grow on.”<br />

That was when he kicked me in the side of the head with what felt like a steel-toed shoe.<br />

Skyrockets exploded across my vision. Then the back of my head connected with the baseboard, and I<br />

was gone.<br />

16<br />

I don’t think I was out for long, because the oblongs of sunlight on the linoleum didn’t appear to have<br />

moved. My mouth tasted of wet copper. I spat half-congealed blood onto the floor, along with a<br />

fragment of tooth, and set about getting to my feet. I needed to hold onto one of the kitchen chairs<br />

with my one working hand, then onto the table (which nearly fell over on top of me), but on the whole<br />

it was easier than I thought. My left leg felt numb, and my pants were tight halfway down, where the<br />

knee was swelling as promised, but I thought it could have been a lot worse.<br />

I looked out the window to make sure the panel truck was gone, then began a slow, limping<br />

journey into the bedroom. My heart was taking big soft walloping beats in my chest. Each one<br />

throbbed in my broken nose and vibrated the swelling left side of my face, where the cheekbone just<br />

about had to be broken. The back of my head throbbed, too. My neck was stiff.<br />

Could have been worse, I reminded myself as I shuffled across the bedroom. You’re on your feet, aren’t<br />

you? Just get the damn gun, put it in the glove compartment, then drive yourself to the emergency room. You’re<br />

basically all right. Probably better than Dick Tiger is this morning.<br />

I was able to go on telling myself that until I stretched my hand up to the closet shelf. When I did<br />

that, something first pulled in my guts . . . and then seemed to roll. The sullen heat centered on my<br />

left side flared like coals when you throw gasoline on them. I got my fingertips on the butt of the gun,<br />

turned it, hooked a thumb into the trigger-guard, and pulled it off the shelf. It hit the floor and<br />

bounced into the bedroom.<br />

Probably not even loaded. I bent over to get it. My left knee shrieked and gave way. I fell to the floor,<br />

and the pain in my guts whooshed up again. I got the gun, though, and rolled the cylinder. It was<br />

loaded after all. Every chamber. I put it in my pocket and tried to crawl back to the kitchen, but the<br />

knee was too painful. And the headache was worse, spreading out dark tentacles from its little cave<br />

above the nape of my neck.<br />

I made it to the bed on my belly, using a swimming motion. Once I was there I managed to haul<br />

myself up again, using my right arm and right leg. The left leg held me, but I was losing flexion in<br />

the knee. I had to get out of there, and right away.<br />

I must have looked like Chester, the limping deputy from Gunsmoke, as I made my way out of the<br />

bedroom, across the kitchen, and to the front door, which hung open with splinters around the lock. I<br />

even remember thinking Mr. Dillon, Mr. Dillon, there’s trouble down at the Longbranch!<br />

I crossed the porch, seized the railing in my right fist, and crabbed down to the walk. There were<br />

only four steps, but my headache got worse each time I jolted down another one. I seemed to be losing<br />

my peripheral vision, which couldn’t be good. I tried to turn my head to see my Chevrolet, but my<br />

neck didn’t want to cooperate. I managed a shuffling whole-body pivot instead, and when I had the car<br />

in my sights, I realized driving would be an impossibility. Even opening the passenger side door and<br />

stowing the gun in the glove compartment would be an impossibility: bending would cause the pain<br />

and heat in my side to explode again.

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