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In Case’s corner, the trainer was working frantically on the bad eye, squeezing something from a<br />

tube and mooshing it around with the tips of his fingers. It looked like Crazy Glue to me, except I<br />

don’t think that had been invented yet. Then he slapped Case in the chops with a wet towel. The bell<br />

rang.<br />

Dick Tiger bored in, jamming with his right and hooking with his left. Case dodged one left hook,<br />

and for the first time in the fight, Tiger launched a right uppercut at the older man’s head. Case<br />

managed to pull back just enough to keep from taking it full on the jaw, but it connected with his<br />

cheek. The force of it distorted his entire face into a horror-house grimace. He staggered back. Tiger<br />

came at him. The crowd was up again, bellowing for blood. We rose with them. Sadie’s hands were<br />

over her mouth.<br />

Tiger had Case pinned in one of the neutral corners and was hammering him with rights and lefts.<br />

I could see Case sagging; I could see the lights in his eyes dimming. One more left hook—or that<br />

cannon-shot right—and they would go out.<br />

“PUT IM DOWN!” the chubby cigar-smoker was screaming. “PUT HIM DOWN, DICKY!<br />


Tiger hit him low, below the belt. Probably not on purpose, but the ref stepped in. While he<br />

cautioned Tiger about the low blow, I watched Case to see how he would use this temporary respite. I<br />

saw something come into his face that I recognized. I had seen Lee wearing the same expression on the<br />

day he’d been giving Marina hell about the zipper of her skirt. It had appeared when Marina had come<br />

back on him, accusing him of bringing her and the baby to a peegsty and then twirling her finger<br />

around her ear in a you’re-crazy gesture.<br />

All at once this had stopped being just a payday to Tom Case.<br />

The ref stepped aside. Tiger bored in, but this time Case stepped to meet him. What happened<br />

during the next twenty seconds was the most electrifying, terrifying thing I have ever seen as part of<br />

an audience. The two of them simply stood toe-to-toe, slugging each other in the face, the chest, the<br />

shoulders, the gut. There was no bobbing, no weaving, no fancy footwork. They were bulls in a<br />

pasture. Case’s nose broke and gushed blood. Tiger’s lower lip smashed back against his teeth and<br />

split; blood poured down both sides of his chin, making him look like a vampire after a big meal.<br />

Everyone in the auditorium was on their feet and screaming. Sadie was jumping up and down. Her<br />

fedora fell off, exposing the scarred cheek. She took no notice. Nobody else did, either. On the huge<br />

screens, World War III was in full swing.<br />

Case lowered his head to take one of those bazooka rights, and I saw Tiger grimace as his fist<br />

connected with hard bone. He took a step backward and Case unloaded a monster uppercut. Tiger<br />

turned his head, avoiding the worst of it, but his mouthpiece flew free and rolled across the canvas.<br />

Case moved in, throwing haymaker lefts and rights. There was no artistry to them, only raw, angry<br />

power. Tiger backpedaled, tripped over his own feet, and went down. Case stood over him, seemingly<br />

unsure what to do or—perhaps—even where he was. His frantically signaling trainer caught his eye<br />

and he plodded back to his corner. The ref commenced his count.<br />

On four, Tiger took a knee. On six, he was on his feet. After the mandatory eight-count, the fight<br />

recommenced. I looked at the big clock in the corner of the screen and saw there were fifteen seconds<br />

left in the round.<br />

Not enough, it’s not enough time.<br />

Case plodded forward. Tiger threw that devastating left hook. Case jerked his head to one side, and<br />

when the glove had flown past his face, he lashed out with his right. This time it was Dick Tiger’s face<br />

that distorted, and when he went down he didn’t get up.<br />

The pudgy man looked at the tattered remains of his cigar, then threw it on the floor. “Jesus<br />


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