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I took a deep breath. “Sadie, I want you to listen to me. Very carefully. Are you awake enough to do<br />

that?”<br />

For a moment there was nothing. Then I felt her nod against my upper arm.<br />

“It’s now early Tuesday morning. This standoff is going to go on for another three days. Or maybe<br />

it’s four, I can’t remember.”<br />

“What do you mean, you can’t remember?”<br />

I mean there’s nothing about this in Al’s notes, and my only college class in American History was almost<br />

twenty years ago. It’s amazing I can remember as much as I do.<br />

“We’re going to blockade Cuba, but the only Russian ship we’ll stop won’t have anything in it but<br />

food and trade goods. The Russians are going to bluster, but by Thursday or Friday they’re going to be<br />

scared to death and looking for a way out. One of the big Russian diplomats will initiate a<br />

backchannel meeting with some TV guy.” And seemingly from nowhere, the way crossword puzzle<br />

answers sometimes come to me, I remembered the name. Or almost remembered it. “His name is<br />

John Scolari, or something like that—”<br />

“Scali? Are you talking about John Scali, on the ABC News?”<br />

“Yeah, that’s him. This is going to happen Friday or Saturday, while the rest of the world—<br />

including your ex and your pal from Yale—is just waiting for the word to stick their heads between<br />

their legs and kiss their asses goodbye.”<br />

She heartened me by giggling.<br />

“This Russian will more or less say . . .” Here I did a pretty good Russian accent. I had learned it<br />

listening to Lee’s wife. Also from Boris and Natasha on Rocky and Bullwinkle. “‘Get vurd to your<br />

president that ve vunt vay to back out of this vith honor. You agree take your nuclear missiles out of<br />

Turkey. You promise never to invade Kooba. Ve say okay and dismantle missiles in Kooba.’ And that,<br />

Sadie, is exactly what’s going to happen.”<br />

She wasn’t giggling now. She was staring at me with huge saucer eyes. “You’re making this up to<br />

make me feel better.”<br />

I said nothing.<br />

“You’re not,” she whispered. “You really believe it.”<br />

“Wrong,” I said. “I know it. Big difference.”<br />

“George . . . nobody knows the future.”<br />

“John Clayton claims to know, and you believe him. Roger from Yale claims to know, and you<br />

believe him, too.”<br />

“You’re jealous of him, aren’t you?”<br />

“You’re goddam right.”<br />

“I never slept with him. I never even wanted to.” Solemnly, she added: “I could never sleep with a<br />

man who wears that much cologne.”<br />

“Good to know. I’m still jealous.”<br />

“Should I ask questions about how you—”<br />

“No. I won’t answer them.” I probably shouldn’t have told her as much as I had, but I couldn’t stop<br />

myself. And in truth, I would do it again. “But I will tell you one other thing, and this you can check<br />

yourself in a couple of days. Adlai Stevenson and the Russian representative to the UN are going to<br />

face off in the General Assembly. Stevenson’s going to exhibit huge photos of the missile bases the<br />

Russians are building in Cuba, and ask the Russian guy to explain what the Russians said wasn’t there.<br />

The Russian guy is going to say something like, ‘You must vait, I cannot respond viddout full<br />

translation.’ And Stevenson, who knows the guy can speak perfect English, is going to say something<br />

that’ll wind up in the history books along with ‘don’t fire until you see the whites of their eyes.’ He’s going<br />

to tell the Russian guy he can wait until hell freezes over.”

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