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Marina invited her in. I waited until I heard the creak of their footsteps above me, then donned the<br />

earphones connected to the lamp bug. What I heard was a conversation in mixed English and Russian.<br />

Marina corrected Ruth several times, sometimes with laughter. I understood enough to figure out why<br />

Ruth Paine had come. Like Paul Gregory, she wanted Russian lessons. I understood something else<br />

from their frequent laughter and increasingly easy conversation: they liked each other.<br />

I was glad for Marina. If I killed Oswald after his attempt on General Walker, the New Agey Ruth<br />

Paine might take her in. I could hope.<br />

5<br />

Ruth only came twice to Neely Street for her lessons. After that, Marina and June got in the station<br />

wagon and Ruth drove them away. Probably to her home in the posh (at least by Oak Cliff standards)<br />

suburb of Irving. That address wasn’t in Al’s notes—he seemed to care little about Marina’s<br />

relationship with Ruth, probably because he expected to finish Lee long before that rifle ended up in<br />

the Paines’ garage—but I found it in the phone directory: 2515 West Fifth Street.<br />

One overcast March afternoon, about two hours after Marina and Ruth had departed, Lee and<br />

George de Mohrenschildt showed up in de Mohrenschildt’s car. Lee got out carrying a brown paper<br />

sack with a sombrero and PEPINO’S BEST MEXICAN printed on the side. De Mohrenschildt had a<br />

six-pack of Dos Equis. They went up the outside staircase, talking and laughing. I grabbed the<br />

earphones, heart pumping. At first there was nothing, but then one of them turned on the lamp. After<br />

that I might have been in the room with them, an unseen third.<br />

Please don’t conspire to kill Walker, I thought. Please don’t make my job harder than it already is.<br />

“Pardon the mess,” Lee said. “She doesn’t do anything much these days but sleep, watch TV, and<br />

talk about that woman she’s giving lessons to.”<br />

De Mohrenschildt spoke for awhile about some oil leases he was trying to get hold of in Haiti, and<br />

spoke harshly of the repressive Duvalier regime. “At the end of the day, trucks drive through the<br />

marketplace and pick up the dead. Many of them are children who’ve starved to death.”<br />

“Castro and the Front will put an end to that,” Lee said grimly.<br />

“May providence hasten the day.” There was the clink of bottles, probably to toast the idea of<br />

providence hastening the day. “How is work, Comrade? And how is it you’re not there this afternoon?”<br />

He wasn’t there, Lee said, because he wanted to be here. Simple as that. He’d just punched out and<br />

walked away. “What can they do about it? I’m the best damn photoprint technician ole Bobby<br />

Stovall’s got, and he knows it. The foreman, his name is (I couldn’t make it out—Graff? Grafe?) says<br />

‘Quit trying to play labor organizer, Lee.’ You know what I do? I laugh and say ‘Okay, svinoyeb,’ and<br />

walk away. He’s a pig’s dick, and ever’one knows it.”<br />

Still, it was clear Lee liked his job, although he complained about the paternalistic attitude, and<br />

how seniority counted for more than talent. At one point he said, “You know, in Minsk, on a level<br />

playing field, I’d be running the place in a year.”<br />

“I know you would, my son—it’s completely evident.”<br />

Playing him up. Winding him up. I was sure of it. I didn’t like it.<br />

“Did you see the paper this morning?” Lee asked.<br />

“I saw nothing but telegrams and memos this morning. Why do you think I’m here, if not to get<br />

away from my desk?”<br />

“Walker did it,” Lee said. “He joined up with Hargis’s crusade—or maybe it’s Walker’s crusade<br />

and Hargis joined up. I cain’t tell. That fucking Midnight Ride thing, anyway. Those two ninnies are<br />

going to tour the whole South, telling people that the N-double-A-C-P’s a communist front. They’ll

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