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tracks, once again hearing the wuff-chuff of a train, only this time it sounded a little more distant,<br />

because this time my encounter with the Yellow Card Man—who was now the Orange Card Man—<br />

had taken a bit longer. The air stank of mill effluent as it had before, and the same inter-city bus<br />

snored past. Because I was a little late this time, I couldn’t read the route sign, but I remembered<br />

what it said: LEWISTON EXPRESS. I wondered idly how many times Al had seen that same bus,<br />

with the same passengers looking out the windows.<br />

I hurried across the street, waving away the blue cloud of bus exhaust as best I could. The<br />

rockabilly rebel was at his post outside the door, and I wondered briefly what he’d say if I stole his<br />

line. But in a way that would be as mean as terrorizing the drying shed wino on purpose; if you stole<br />

the secret language belonging to kids like this, they didn’t have much left. This one couldn’t even go<br />

back and pound on the Xbox. So I just nodded.<br />

He nodded back. “Hi-ho, Daddy-O.”<br />

I went inside. The bell jingled. I went past the discount comic books and straight to the soda<br />

fountain where Frank Anicetti Senior was standing. “What can I do for you today, my friend?”<br />

For a moment I was stumped, because that wasn’t what he’d said before. Then I realized it wouldn’t<br />

be. Last time I’d grabbed a newspaper out of the rack. This time I hadn’t. Maybe each trip back to<br />

1958 reset the odometer back to all zeros (with the exception of the Yellow Card Man), but the first<br />

time you varied something, everything was up for grabs. The idea was both scary and liberating.<br />

“I could use a root beer,” I said.<br />

“And I can use the custom, so we’ve got a meeting of the minds. Five-or ten-cent beer?”<br />

“Ten, I guess.”<br />

“Well, I think you guess right.”<br />

The frost-coated mug came out of the freezer. He used the handle of the wooden spoon to scrape off<br />

the foam. He filled it to the top and set it in front of me. All just like before.<br />

“That’s a dime, plus one for the governor.”<br />

I handed over one of Al’s vintage dollars, and while Frank 1.0 made change, I looked over my<br />

shoulder and saw the former Yellow Card Man standing outside the liquor store—the greenfront—and<br />

swaying from side to side. He made me think of a Hindu fakir I’d seen in some old movie, tooting a<br />

horn to coax a cobra out of a wicker basket. And, coming up the sidewalk, right on schedule, was<br />

Anicetti the Younger.<br />

I turned back, sipped my root beer, and sighed. “This hits the spot.”<br />

“Yep, nothing like a cold beer on a hot day. Not from around here, are you?”<br />

“No, Wisconsin.” I held out my hand. “George Amberson.”<br />

He shook it as the bell over the door jangled. “Frank Anicetti. And there comes my boy. Frank<br />

Junior. Say hello to Mr. Amberson from Wisconsin, Frankie.”<br />

“Hello, sir.” He gave me a smile and a nod, then turned to his dad. “Titus has got the truck up on<br />

the lift. Says it’ll be ready by five.”<br />

“Well, that’s good.” I waited for Anicetti 1.0 to light a cigarette and wasn’t disappointed. He<br />

inhaled, then turned back to me. “Are you traveling on business or for pleasure?”<br />

For a moment I didn’t respond, but not because I was stumped for an answer. What was throwing<br />

me was the way this scene kept diverging from and then returning to the original script. In any case,<br />

Anicetti didn’t seem to notice.<br />

“Either way, you picked the right time to come. Most of the summer people are gone, and when<br />

that happens we all relax. You want a scoop of vanilla ice cream in your beer? Usually it’s five cents<br />

extra, but on Tuesdays I reduce the price to a nickel.”<br />

“You wore that one out ten years ago, Pop,” Frank Junior said amiably.<br />

“Thanks, but this is fine,” I said. “I’m on business, actually. A real estate closing up in . . .

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