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was seriously crushing on Marina.<br />

According to the short-order cook who’d gotten me into this, Bouhe was the one who persuaded<br />

Peter Gregory to throw the get-acquainted party. George de Mohrenschildt wasn’t there, but he’d hear<br />

about it shortly thereafter. Bouhe would tell de Mohrenschildt about the Oswalds and their peculiar<br />

marriage. He would also tell de Mohrenschildt that Lee Oswald had made a scene at the party,<br />

praising socialism and the Russian collectives. The young man strikes me as crazy, Bouhe would say. De<br />

Mohrenschildt, a lifelong connoisseur of crazy, would decide he had to meet this odd couple for<br />

himself.<br />

Why did Oswald blow his top at Peter Gregory’s party, offending the well-meaning expats who<br />

might otherwise have helped him? I didn’t know for sure, but I had a pretty good idea. There’s<br />

Marina, charming them all (especially the men) in her blue dress. There’s June, pretty as a<br />

Woolworth’s baby picture in her charity jumper with the sewn-on flowers. And there’s Lee, sweating<br />

in his ugly suit. He’s keeping up with the rapid ebb and flow of Russian better than young Paul<br />

Gregory, but in the end, he’s still left behind. It must have infuriated him to have to kowtow to these<br />

people, and to eat their salt. I hope it did. I hope it hurt.<br />

I didn’t linger. What I cared about was de Mohrenschildt, the next link in the chain. He would<br />

arrive onstage soon. Meanwhile, all three Oswalds were finally out of 2703, and would be until at least<br />

ten o’clock. Given that the following day was Sunday, maybe even later.<br />

I drove back to activate the bug in their living room.<br />

11<br />

Mercedes Street was partying hearty that Saturday night, but the field behind chez Oswald was silent<br />

and deserted. I thought my key would work on the back door as well as the front, but that was a<br />

theory I never had to test, because the back door was unlocked. During my time in Fort Worth, I<br />

never once used the key I’d purchased from Ivy Templeton. Life is full of ironies.<br />

The place was heartbreakingly neat. The high chair had been placed between the parents’ seats at<br />

the little table in the kitchen where they took their meals, the tray wiped gleaming-clean. The same<br />

was true of the peeling surface of the counter and the sink with its rusty hard-water ring. I made a bet<br />

with myself that Marina would have left Rosette’s jumper-clad girls and went into what was now<br />

June’s room to check. I had brought a penlight and shined it around the walls. Yes, they were still<br />

there, although in the dark they were more ghostly than cheerful. June probably looked at them as she<br />

lay in her crib, sucking her bokkie. I wondered if she would remember them later, on some deep level<br />

of her mind. Crayola ghost-girls.<br />

Jimla, I thought for no reason at all, and shivered.<br />

I moved the bureau, attached the tapwire to the lamp’s plug, and fed it through the hole I’d drilled<br />

in the wall. All fine, but then I had a bad moment. Very bad. When I moved the bureau back into<br />

place, it bumped against the wall and the Leaning Lamp of Pisa toppled.<br />

If I’d had time to think, I would have frozen in place and the damn thing would have shattered on<br />

the floor. Then what? Remove the bug and leave the pieces? Hope they’d accept the idea that the<br />

lamp, unsteady to begin with, had fallen on its own? Most people would buy that, but most people<br />

don’t have reason to be paranoid about the FBI. Lee might find the hole I’d drilled in the wall. If he<br />

did, the butterfly would spread its wings.<br />

But I didn’t have time to think. I reached out and caught the lamp on the way down. Then I just<br />

stood there, holding it and shaking. It was hot as an oven in the little house, and I could smell the<br />

stink of my own sweat. Would they smell it when they came back? How could they not?

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