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“I sort of like Kennedy,” Lee said, as if embarrassed to admit it. “In spite of the Bay of Pigs. That<br />

was Eisenhower’s plan, you know.”<br />

“Most of the GSA likes President Kennedy. Do you know what I mean by the GSA? I can assure<br />

you that the rabid she-weasel who wrote Atlas Shrugged knows. Great Stupid America, that’s what I<br />

mean. The citizens of the USA will live happy and die content if they have a refrigerator that makes<br />

ice, two cars in their garage, and 77 Sunset Strip on their boob tubes. Great Stupid America loves<br />

Kennedy’s smile. Oh yes. Yes indeed. He has a wonderful smile, I admit it. But did not Shakespeare<br />

say a man can smile, and smile, and be a villain? Do you know that Kennedy has okayed a CIA plan to<br />

assassinate Castro? Yes! They’ve already tried—and failed, thank God—three or four times. I have this<br />

from my oil contacts in Haiti and the DR, Lee, and it’s good information.”<br />

Lee expressed dismay.<br />

“But Fidel has a strong friend in Russia,” de Mohrenschildt went on, still pacing. “It isn’t the<br />

Russia of Lenin’s dreams—or yours, or mine—but they may have their own reasons for standing with<br />

Fidel if America tries another invasion. And mark my words: Kennedy is apt to try it, and soon. He’ll<br />

listen to LeMay. He’ll listen to Dulles and Angleton of the CIA. All he needs is the right pretext and<br />

then he’ll go in, just to show the world he’s got balls.”<br />

They went on talking about Cuba. When the Cadillac returned, the rear seat was full of groceries—<br />

enough for a month, it looked like.<br />

“Shit,” Lee said. “They’re back.”<br />

“And we are glad to see them,” de Mohrenschildt said pleasantly.<br />

“Stay for dinner,” Lee said. “Rina’s not much of a cook, but—”<br />

“I must go. My wife is waiting anxiously for my report, and I’ll give her a good one! I’ll bring her<br />

next time, shall I?”<br />

“Yeah, sure.”<br />

They went to the door. Marina was talking with Bouhe and Orlov as the two men lifted cartons of<br />

canned goods from the trunk. But she wasn’t just talking; she was flirting a little, too. Bouhe looked<br />

ready to fall on his knees.<br />

On the porch, Lee said something about the FBI. De Mohrenschildt asked him how many times.<br />

Lee held up three fingers. “One agent called Fain. He came twice. Another named Hosty.”<br />

“Look them right in the eye and answer their questions!” de Mohrenschildt said. “You have<br />

nothing to fear, Lee, not just because you are innocent, but because you are in the right!”<br />

The others were looking at him now . . . and not just them. The jump-rope girls had appeared,<br />

standing in the rut that served as a sidewalk on our block of Mercedes Street. De Mohrenschildt had<br />

an audience, and was declaiming to it.<br />

“You are ideologically dedicated, young Mr. Oswald, so of course they come. The Hoover Gang!<br />

For all we know, they’re watching now, perhaps from down the block, perhaps from that house right<br />

across the street!”<br />

De Mohrenschildt stabbed his finger at my drawn drapes. Lee turned to look. I stood still in the<br />

shadows, glad I’d put down the sound-enhancing Tupperware bowl, even though it was now coated<br />

with black tape.<br />

“I know who they are. Haven’t they and their CIA first cousins been to visit me on many occasions,<br />

trying to browbeat me into informing on my Russian and South American friends? After the war,<br />

didn’t they call me a closet Nazi? Haven’t they claimed I hired the tonton macoute to beat and torture<br />

my competitors for oil leases in Haiti? Didn’t they accuse me of bribing Papa Doc and paying for the<br />

Trujillo assassination? Yes, yes, all of that and more!”<br />

The jump-rope girls were staring at him with their mouths open. So was Marina. Once he got<br />

going, George de Mohrenschildt swept everything before him.

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