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Fidel, Raul, and Che work their magic without interference, you’re living in a dream-world. Already<br />

the wheels are turning. You know this fellow Walker?”<br />

My ears pricked up.<br />

“Edwin Walker? The general who got fired?” Lee said it fard.<br />

“The very one.”<br />

“I know him. Lives in Dallas. Ran for governor and got his ass kicked. Then he goes over to<br />

Miss’sippi to stand with Ross Barnett when James Meredith integrated Ole Miss. He’s just another<br />

segregationist little Hitler.”<br />

“A racist, certainly, but for him the segregationist cause and the Klan bobos are just a blind. He<br />

sees the push for Negro rights as a club to beat at the socialist principles that so haunt him and his<br />

ilk. James Meredith? A communist! The N-double-A-C-P? A front! SNCC? Black on top, red inside!”<br />

“Sure,” Lee said, “it’s how they work.”<br />

I couldn’t tell if de Mohrenschildt was actually invested in the things he was saying or if he was<br />

just winding Lee up for the hell of it. “And what do the Walkers and the Barnetts and the capering<br />

revivalist preachers like Billy Graham and Billy James Hargis see as the beating heart of this evil<br />

nigger-loving communist monster? Russia!”<br />

“I know it.”<br />

“And where do they see the grasping hand of communism just ninety miles from the shores of the<br />

United States? Cuba! Walker no longer wears the uniform, but his best friend does. Do you know who<br />

I’m talking about?”<br />

Lee shook his head. His eyes never left de Mohrenschildt’s face.<br />

“Curtis LeMay. Another racist who sees communists behind every bush. What do Walker and<br />

LeMay insist that Kennedy do? Bomb Cuba! Then invade Cuba! Then make Cuba the fifty-first state!<br />

Their humiliation at the Bay of Pigs has only made them more determined!” De Mohrenschildt made<br />

his own exclamation marks by pounding his fist on his thigh. “Men like LeMay and Walker are far<br />

more dangerous than the Rand bitch, and not because they have guns. Because they have followers.”<br />

“I know the danger,” Lee said. “I’ve started organizing a Hands Off Cuba group here in Fort<br />

Worth. I’ve got a dozen people interested already.”<br />

That was bold. To the best of my knowledge, the only thing Lee had been organizing in Fort<br />

Worth was a passel of aluminum screen doors, plus the backyard clothes-whirligig on the few<br />

occasions when Marina could persuade him to hang the baby’s diapers on it.<br />

“You’d better work fast,” de Mohrenschildt said grimly. “Cuba’s a billboard for revolution. When<br />

the suffering people of Nicaragua and Haiti and the Dominican Republic look at Cuba, they see a<br />

peaceful agrarian socialist society where the dictator has been overturned and the secret police have<br />

been sent packing, sometimes with their truncheons stuck up their fat asses!”<br />

Lee squalled laughter.<br />

“They see the great sugar plantations and the slave-labor farms of United Fruit turned over to the<br />

farmers. They see Standard Oil sent packing. They see the casinos, all run by the Lansky Mob—”<br />

“I know it,” Lee said.<br />

“—shut down. The donkey-shows have stopped, my friend, and the women who used to sell their<br />

bodies . . . and their daughters’ bodies—have found honest work again. A peon who would have died in<br />

the streets under the pig Batista can now go to a hospital and be treated like a man. And why? Because<br />

under Fidel, the doctor and the peon stand as equals!”<br />

“I know it,” Lee said. It was his default position.<br />

De Mohrenschildt leaped from the couch and began to pace around the new playpen. “Do you think<br />

Kennedy and his Irish cabal will let that billboard stand? That lighthouse, flashing its message of<br />


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