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It was a good assessment. Lee had escaped Russia when he was tired of it; he would also be crafty<br />

enough to escape the Book Depository after shooting the president in spite of the almost immediate<br />

police and Secret Service response. Of course it was a quick response; plenty of people were going to see<br />

exactly where the shots came from.<br />

Lee would be questioned at gunpoint in the second-floor break room even before the speeding<br />

motorcade delivered the dying president to Parkland Hospital. The cop who did the questioning<br />

would recall later that the young man had been reasonable and persuasive. Once foreman Roy Truly<br />

vouched for him as an employee, the cop would let Ozzie Rabbit go and then hurry upstairs to seek<br />

the source of the gunshots. It was possible to believe that, if not for his encounter with Patrolman<br />

Tippit, Lee might not have been captured for days or weeks.<br />

“Sadie, the Dallas cops are going to shock the world with their incompetence. I’d be nuts to trust<br />

them. They might not even act on an anonymous tip.”<br />

“But why? Why wouldn’t they?”<br />

“Right now because the guy’s not even in Texas, and he doesn’t mean to come back. He’s planning<br />

to defect to Cuba.”<br />

“Cuba? Why in the world Cuba?”<br />

I shook my head. “It doesn’t matter, because it’s not going to work. He’s going to return to Dallas,<br />

but not with any plan to kill the president. He doesn’t even know Kennedy’s coming to Dallas.<br />

Kennedy himself doesn’t know, because the trip hasn’t been scheduled yet.”<br />

“But you know.”<br />

“Yes.”<br />

“Because in the time you come from, all this is in the history books.”<br />

“The broad strokes, yes. I got the specifics from the friend who sent me here. I’ll tell you the whole<br />

story someday when this is over, but not now. Not while the machine with all those teeth is still<br />

running full tilt. The important thing is this: if the police question the guy at any point before mid-<br />

November, he’s going to sound completely innocent, because he is innocent.” Another of those vast<br />

cloud-shadows rolled over us, temporarily dropping the temperature by ten degrees or so. “For all I<br />

know, he may not have made up his mind entirely until the moment he pulled the trigger.”<br />

“You speak as if it’s already happened,” she marveled.<br />

“In my world, it has.”<br />

“What’s important about mid-November?”<br />

“On the sixteenth, the Morning News is going to tell Dallas about Kennedy’s motorcade down Main<br />

Street. L— the guy will read that and realize the cars will go right past the place where he’s working.<br />

He’s probably going to think it’s a message from God. Or maybe the ghost of Karl Marx.”<br />

“Where’s he going to work?”<br />

I shook my head again. That wasn’t safe for her to know. Of course, none of this was safe. Yet (I’ve<br />

said it before, but it bears repeating) what a relief to tell at least some of it to another person.<br />

“If the police talked to him, they might at least frighten him out of doing it.”<br />

She was right, but what a horrifying risk. I’d already taken a smaller one by talking to de<br />

Mohrenschildt, but de Mohrenschildt wanted those oil leases. Also, I’d done more than frighten him<br />

—I’d scared the living bejesus out of him. I thought he’d keep mum. Lee, on the other hand . . .<br />

I took Sadie’s hand. “Right now I can predict where this man’s going the same way I could predict<br />

where a train is going to go, because it can’t leave the tracks. Once I step in, once I meddle, all bets are<br />

off.”<br />

“If you talked to him yourself?”<br />

A truly nightmarish image came into my mind. I saw Lee telling the cops, The idea was put into my<br />

head by a man named George Amberson. If it hadn’t been for him, I never would have thought of it.

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