Spalding and Magan's Unpublished Manuscript Testimonies - Ellen G. White

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personally attacked, because it is not the right thing<br />

to do, to open those opposition charges before the<br />

world. Keep the affirmative of truth, as did Paul in<br />

his charge to Timothy: "Preach the Word; be<br />

instant in season, out of season; reprove, rebuke,<br />

exhort with all long suffering <strong>and</strong> doctrine. For the<br />

time will come when they will not endure sound<br />

doctrine; but after their own lusts, shall they heap<br />

to themselves teachers, having itching ears."<br />

The truth of this I have experienced. In the<br />

early days of this message, I have passed through<br />

most trying ordeals in refuting false doctrines, <strong>and</strong><br />

especially such doctrines as we are meeting now.<br />

We are passing over the same ground, <strong>and</strong> while<br />

we are to call error, error, <strong>and</strong> withst<strong>and</strong> delusive<br />

sentiments that will continue to come into our<br />

ranks to palsy the faith <strong>and</strong> assurance of the people<br />

of God, we are to make no tirade against men <strong>and</strong><br />

women. We are to show the evil of the false<br />

sentiments that Christ himself has warned us not to<br />

receive; but let us consider that the power of the<br />

enemy is strong.<br />


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