Travellive 7 - 2018

Dear Valued Readers, July is when the world is fighting hard to find the champion of World Cup 2018, but for the Thai people, the survivability of the junior football team after being lost for 10 days in the Tham Luang Nang Non cave is a true victory. In Travellive’s July issue, there is a journey full of willpower from the couple known as "rolling potatoes" who conquered the bustling roads of Kyrgyzstan by bike. They, and other lonely travelers, are sometimes considered crazy - but they don’t ride just to go, they also ride to learn the lesson of capacity and power, even when all energy seems exhausted ... Another highlight of this month is Travellive’s realization of an objective: selecting amongst the new hotels and resorts beginning operation between the end of 2017 to early 2018 in order to create the best list according to special criteria and with the purpose of helping readers make the right decision that best suits their interests. Getting through hot July, you may want to leisurely enjoy life “à la parisienne”, or at least, experience amusing moments while enjoying a cup of iced tea each afternoon on the sidewalks of Hanoi. Equally interesting is experiencing one of the 31 newest hotels and resorts updated by Travellive. And Travellive’s July issue has enough life rhythm for you! EDITORIAL BOARD

Dear Valued Readers,
July is when the world is fighting hard to find the champion of World Cup 2018, but for the Thai people, the survivability of the junior football team after being lost for 10 days in the Tham Luang Nang Non cave is a true victory.

In Travellive’s July issue, there is a journey full of willpower from the couple known as "rolling potatoes" who conquered the bustling roads of Kyrgyzstan by bike. They, and other lonely travelers, are sometimes considered crazy - but they don’t ride just to go, they also ride to learn the lesson of capacity and power, even when all energy seems exhausted ...

Another highlight of this month is Travellive’s realization of an objective: selecting amongst the new hotels and resorts beginning operation between the end of 2017 to early 2018 in order to create the best list according to special criteria and with the purpose of helping readers make the right decision that best suits their interests.

Getting through hot July, you may want to leisurely enjoy life “à la parisienne”, or at least, experience amusing moments while enjoying a cup of iced tea each afternoon on the sidewalks of Hanoi. Equally interesting is experiencing one of the 31 newest hotels and resorts updated by Travellive.

And Travellive’s July issue has enough life rhythm for you!


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HÑ LONG<br />

Chuy’n du ngoπn vnh Hπ Long trn Hera Cruises sœ mang<br />

Æ’n tr∂i nghi÷m ÆÈc nh†t v´ nh dµnh cho nh˜ng kh∏ch<br />

hµng n˜ l∑ng mπn, tinh t’ vµ khao kh∏t Æ≠Óc n©ng niu.<br />

ß≠Óc thi’t k’ cho nh˜ng du kh∏ch hi÷n Æπi mong muËn<br />

c„ tr∂i nghi÷m th≠Óng hπng, Hera Cruises lµ du thuy“n 6<br />

sao duy nh†t trn vnh Hπ Long. Du thuy“n c„ 11 cabin<br />

sang tr‰ng rÈng r∑i mang Æ’n s˘ †m cÛng vµ tho∂i m∏i tËi<br />

Æa cho du kh∏ch trong chuy’n h∂i tr◊nh qua Æm trn vnh<br />

Hπ Long.<br />

C∏c dch vÙ trn du thuy“n sang tr‰ng ki”u boutique nµy<br />

tÀp trung vµo mÙc tiu Æem lπi cho kh∏ch hµng s˘ th≠ gi∑n<br />

vµ trπng th∏i tinh th«n tËt nh†t.<br />

G„c nh◊n toµn c∂nh tuy÷t Æãp, ti÷n nghi ƺng c†p th’ giÌi,<br />

Æ nÈi th†t bªng gÁ Æ≠Óc lµm thÒ c´ng tπi Æa ph≠¨ng vµ<br />

bÈ kh®n tr∂i gi≠Íng sang tr‰ng sœ tπo nn tr∂i nghi÷m kh∏c<br />

bi÷t cho du kh∏ch. C∏c phng suite c„ cˆa sÊ k›nh cho<br />

phäp du kh∏ch th≠Îng ngoπn t«m nh◊n toµn c∂nh ra vnh tı<br />

gi≠Íng ho∆c bÂn tæm bn ly r≠Óu champagne.<br />

S˘ chÿn chu vµ toµn m¸ trong tıng chi ti’t cÒa Hera<br />

Cruises chæc hºn sœ lµm hµi lng nh˜ng kh∏ch hµng n˜ sµnh<br />

Æi÷u. ß©y lµ tµu duy nh†t Î Hπ Long cæm hoa t≠¨i 100%<br />

theo thi’t k’ vµ mÙc Æ›ch r‚ rµng Æ” sˆ dÙng hµng ngµy<br />

ho∆c trong c∏c s˘ ki÷n.<br />

Hoa danzo træng Æ≠Óc l˘a ch‰n lµ loµi hoa chÒ Æπo Æ≠Óc<br />

cæm xuyn suËt trn tµu. C∂ gËc vµ r‘ hoa Æ≠Óc cæm vµo<br />

b◊nh thÒy tinh vÌi c∏c k›ch cÏ kh∏c nhau t≠Óng tr≠ng cho<br />

g«n 2.000 nÛi Æ∏ v´i lÌn nh· tπo nn vŒ Æãp tr∏ng l÷ cÒa<br />

vnh Hπ Long.<br />

Hoa cæm cho b˜a tËi tπi nhµ hµng, hoa cho buÊi trµ chi“u,<br />

hoa trn bµn lµm vi÷c hay trong nhµ tæm Æ“u Æ≠Óc l˘a ch‰n<br />

vµ sæp x’p tÿ mÿ Æ” Æ∂m b∂o s˘ sang tr‰ng vµ th≠ th∏i phÔ<br />

hÓp vÌi tıng kh´ng gian trn tµu.<br />

Hera Cruises Æ∑ cˆ 4 nh©n vin Æi Ƶo tπo 2 th∏ng Æ” cæm<br />

Æ≠Óc c∏c ki”u hoa theo ÆÛng c∏c concept phÔ hÓp mÙc<br />

Æ›ch sˆ dÙng kh∏c nhau.<br />

Lµ mÈt ng≠Íi duy m¸ nn khi bæt tay vµo th˘c hi÷n s∂n<br />

ph»m "the finest boutique cruise" cho Hπ Long, t´i c„<br />

mong muËn m∑nh li÷t lµ tr≠Ìc tin s∂n ph»m ph∂i Æãp.<br />

ß” l†y c∂m h¯ng, t´i th≠Íng t≠Îng t≠Óng h◊nh ∂nh nh˜ng<br />

ng≠Íi phÙ n˜ xinh Æãp vµ tinh t’ ngÂi nh©m nhi mÈt li trµ<br />

hoa hÂng hay v´ t≠ l˘ bn cuËn s∏ch ho∆c ng∂ l≠ng bn<br />

chi’c gËi thu c«u k◊ tinh x∂o.<br />

30<br />


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