Halfway to forever by Karen Kingsbury

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smoothing her thumb along his eyebrows. "You're beautiful, do

you know that?"

"What if..." His whispered voice was choked with concern.

"What if something happens?" He hesitated, searching her face. "I

couldn't live without you."

She prayed for the right words. "Remember a long time ago in

Kelso, when I didn't think God would ever love me, didn't feel I

belonged in a church? Remember the Scripture you gave me back


The anxiety in Tanner's expression eased some. "Yes."

""`I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans

to give you hope and a future.""'

"Right." She searched his eyes. "Believe it, Tanner. Believe it now just like you believed it then. God has

a plan for us. For me and little Madison and you and Ty His plans are perfect." She kissed him again.

"You don't have to be afraid."

A single tear slid down his face and he nodded, easing her

head back down to his chest. "Don't leave me, jade."

"Never, Tanner. Never ever."

After that they slept... but now that they were driving to the

hospital, jade could see the tension in the flex of her husband's

jaw, feel it in his lack of conversation. He believed, of course. God

had brought them back together, after all. But they both knew


e were no guarantees that this time God's plans would be the

they hoped for.

They met Jenny at the hospital, and she produced a bag holdmilk and a muffin for Ty "Looks like we get a

day together,

T, -1; t1l .1 t as he Deen ea e

Ty nodded. He wasn't as chip~~r tension he sensedrfrom the

lorning-probably because of

Fanner-but so far he hadn't cried, her and illness gwas glad. Glad that lad that he d dn't Ive'd been busy in

this season of h road that lay ahead.

Gully comprehend the risks or the hard Jade was in her wheelchair, but she hugged Jenny around her

waist. "Thanks for being here."

IJ hand. "Mom and enny gave a half smile and squeezed el

Matt will be here later. Before the baby's born." "I can't believe it's already time."

"Mrs. Eastman-" Jenny met her gaze, and jade saw that the girl's eyes were wet-`We're all praying g for

YOU-All of us."

I reached up for Tanner's hand. know." Jade pulled away

"We feel it."

They followed Jade to a private room where she could wait with them until it was time for the delivery

Tanner would stay with jade in the operating room, but Ty and Jenny would have to wait down the hall.

announced it was time.

After a while a nurse came and Ty to jade's side -I love Jenny left the rest of them alone, y came

you, Mom."

"Love you, too, buddy"

"Talk to you in a little while, okay?" "Okay."

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